How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page:
- Renaissance Next: Select Star in the sidebar, then select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Math, or Star Spanish.
- Legacy Mode: Select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Math, or Star Spanish.
- In the drop-down list, select Record Book.
You can also get to the Record Book by selecting Star Record Book on the Star / Assessment tab of the Reports page, under “Screening and Instructional Planning.”
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
florida b.e.s.t. standards and the star record book
For our customers in Florida, on the Star Record Book, domains are referred to as strands, and standards are referred to as benchmarks.
Additionally, these are the Florida Standards by grade level:
- Pre-K (VPK) Florida Early Learning and Developmental: Four Years Old to Kindergarten Standards
- K–12 Florida B.E.S.T. Standards
The Latest Assessments Tab of the Star Record book shows scores and other data for the following Star assessments:
- Star Reading (English, Spanish, and Third Grade Reading Proficiency)
- Star Early Literacy (English and Spanish)
- Star Math (English, Spanish, Algebra, and Geometry)
- Star CBM Reading
- Star CBM Math
Both Enterprise and Progress Monitoring tests can appear in the Record Book; the latter have an asterisk (*) added to the test type in the table (see below).
You can select the name of a specific student in the Star Record Book to see the Student Details page, which shows all historical Star test data for the selected student.
Use the links at the top of the page to go to the following related sections:
View Reports: Use the View Reports drop-down list to view any of the following:
- Star / Assessment Reports, where you can run additional reports relating to students' Star assessments
- Star Data Insights, where you can see how many students are being screened using Star assessments during a specific district screening window
- Star CBM Data Insights, where you can see data for students who have taken Star CBM assessments
- Star CBM Caregiver Report, which gives teachers and schools a way to communicate with students' caregivers about each child's performance on Star CBM assessments
Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report, which gives teachers and school a way to communicate with student's caregivers about each child's performance on Star CAT and Star CBM assessments.
- Manage Groups: Takes you to the Manage Groups page, where you can create groups of students for reporting, instructional planning, and intervention purposes.
- Manage Goals & Benchmarks: Takes you to the Goals & Benchmarks page, where you can set goals for students and view and edit benchmarks. (Note: Setting Star CBM goals is done from the CBM English Assessments tab.)
- Plan Instruction: Takes you to Planner, where you can create lesson plans and assign assessments to students.
- By default, the Star Record Book opens on the Latest Assessments tab—select the Screening Comparison tab to compare screening results, or the CBM English Assessments tab to view data specific to CBM assessments.
Use the drop-down lists in the upper-left corner to choose which students you want to view in the Star Record Book. The available lists will change depending on your user permissions and the schools you have access to:
- Select the subject (either Reading or Math) and then a class or group. (Teachers can only select one of their own groups.)
- If you have access to more than one school, you will need to select a school before selecting a class or group.
- Select the subject (either Reading or Math) and then a class or group. (Teachers can only select one of their own groups.)
- After you select the students to view, the Latest Assessment Results panel to the right of the lists will update to show the settings of the benchmarks associated with the most recent assessments taken within the chosen subject.
In the example above, Reading is the chosen subject. The 12 students in Ms. Morris' class have taken a mix of Star Reading assessments (English and Spanish), Star Early Literacy assessments (English and Spanish), and Star CBM Reading assessments. Not all the students have taken every assessment; students in the class whose most recent assessment is not of the type displayed are represented by a dashed line.
The benchmarks for those assessments are shown by the colored bars. The width of the sections of the bars is a proportional indicator of the number of students in each benchmark category. Hovering over a bar gives a more specific breakdown—for instance, in the example below, of the 12 students in Ms. Morris' class, the most recent Reading assessment for 4 of them was a Star Early Literacy assessment. Of those 4 students, 2 are in the "Urgent Intervention" benchmark category (red), 1 is in "Intervention" (yellow), and 1 is in "On Watch" (blue).
Tests taken that have no benchmarks associated with them (such as Star Math Algebra, Star Math Geometry, or specific grades in some states) will be indicated with gray in the benchmark bars and with gray squares in the table.
When state benchmarks are shown, they are the time adjusted state benchmarks (as used in the Star Screening Report), not the static state benchmarks (used when managing end-of-year goals and benchmarks).
- If you would prefer to measure the assessments against a different benchmark, select the gear in the upper-right corner of the panel.
Use the drop-down lists to select the benchmark you want to use for the available assessment types. (Note: Star CBM benchmarks cannot be changed.) Once you have made your changes, select Save. The Latest Assessments Results panel will update to match your choices. - The table on the page shows the Star assessment information in the following columns:
- Student: Selecting a student's name will take you to the Student Details page for that student. Note the darker color of the "Student" header in the screenshot and the arrow next to the header: this means the table is sorted by students' last names, ↑ A–Z. Select the header to reverse the sort order (↓ Z–A), or select the head of another column to sort by the data in that column instead.
- GL: The student's grade level.
Star Adaptive and Star CBM (English and Spanish): Each of these columns shows data from the most recent assessment of the type shown. If a student hasn't taken an assessment of the type shown, the table cell will be blank for that student. If no students have taken an assessment of a particular type in the current school year, the column for that type of assessment will not be shown.
Each of these columns shows several types of data:
Score: Scaled Score (SS) and Percentile Rank (PR) for Latest Star and Latest Star Spanish. The score for Latest Star CBM is CPM (Correct Per Minute).
Scores for the English and Spanish versions of Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math are shown. To use a different scale, select the gear above the upper-right corner of the table. In the pop-up menu, select the scale you want to use. (The available scales will change depending on the subject you selected earlier.)
Test Type or Measure: The specific type of assessment.
Star Adaptive (English) Assessments
Test Type Type of Assessment Notes Early Literacy Star Early Literacy Reading Star Reading Enterprise Reading* Star Reading Progress Monitoring Test Types followed by * mean the test was a Progress Monitoring test. Third Grade Third Grade Reading Proficiency Math Star Math Enterprise Math* Star Math Progress Monitoring Test Types followed by * mean the test was a Progress Monitoring test. Algebra Star Math Algebra Geometry Star Math Geometry Star Adaptive (Spanish) Assessments
Test Type Type of Assessment Early Literacy Star Early Literacy Spanish Reading Star Reading Spanish Math Star Math Spanish Star CBM Measures
Subject Measure Reading Letter Naming Reading Letter Sounds Reading Passage Oral Reading Reading Phoneme Segmentation Reading Expressive Nonsense Words Reading Rapid Color Naming Reading Rapid Letter Naming Field Test Reading Rapid Number Naming Field Test Reading Receptive Nonsense Words Reading Rapid Picture Naming Math Numerical Recognition Math Quantity Comparison Math Addition to 10 Math Addition to 20 Math Subtraction from 10 Math Mixed Addition and Subtraction Math Multiplication to 100 - Date: The date when the student took the most recent assessment in the current school year.
- To the left of the scores is a colored square : the color indicates which benchmark category the score places the student in. If the student has moved from one benchmark category to another, an arrow appears in the square showing which direction the move was in. (Movement between benchmark categories is determined by the scores from the two most recent assessments—including both Enterprise and progress-monitoring assessments—within a one-year period, counting from the day you are viewing the Record Book to one year earlier.)
Examples (assuming 4 benchmark categories):
The students' score moved them up to At/Above Benchmark.
The students' score kept them at Intervention.
The students' score moved them down to On Watch.
For Star CBM scores, circles are used instead of squares, showing which CBM benchmark category the score places the student in:
Intervention/At Risk
On Watch
At/Above Benchmark
if benchmarks are not available for the measure in the student's grade but the student's score would place them in Intervention/At Risk or On Watch in the nearest grade and season with benchmarks
followed by a score and then
if benchmarks are not available for the measure in the student's grade but the student's score would place them in At/Above Benchmark in the nearest grade and season with benchmarks
You may see icons to the right of a student's Star Adaptive score or a message in place of a score; hover the icons for additional information.
Probable Non-Reader: Score is in the range that usually occurs when a student is randomly choosing responses.
No Recent Test: This student's latest test is prior to the current screening window.
Short Test Time: This student took the test in a very short time, which may affect results.
Test Short Test Time Star Early Literacy and Star Early Literacy Spanish n/a Star Reading and Star Reading Spanish < 230 seconds
(3 minutes 50 seconds)Star Math and Star Math Spanish*: Enterprise, Algebra, Geometry < 136 seconds
(2 minutes 16 seconds)Star Math and Star Math Spanish*: Progress Monitoring < 156 seconds
(2 minutes 36 seconds)* Star Math Spanish uses the same time triggers as Star Math Enterprise; Algebra and Geometry are currently not available for Star Math Spanish. Test Completed: The student has just finished taking a test; the score has not been calculated yet (in this case, no score will be displayed yet and the colored square will be gray).
Finish by [date]: The student has an incomplete test that was paused. The student should resume the test by the date shown.
Practice not passed
: The student did not pass the practice questions and was not allowed to take the test. No scores are shown for failed practices.
Alternate Response: If the student took the test using printed forms: regular print
, large print
, or one item per page
An example of how to interpret the data:
Kathleen Gray is one of your third-grade students. You are looking at the Reading data from her latest tests, and you are using the Star Unified Scale to examine her scores.
- Kathleen's latest Star assessment was a Star Reading Progress Monitoring test, which she took on 1/14/22. She got a Scaled Score of 976, which gives her a PR of 89. This places her in the At/Above Benchmark (green) category.
- Kathleen's latest Star CBM assessment focused on Passage Oral Reading, which she took on 1/16/22. Based on that test, she has a CPM of 61, which puts her in the On Watch (blue) category.
- Kathleen's latest Star Spanish assessment was a Star Reading Spanish test, which she took on 12/14/21. She got a Scaled Score of 884, which gives her a PR of 50. This places her in the On Watch (blue) benchmark category, a drop from where she was based on her prior Star Reading Spanish assessment (indicated by the down arrow in the blue square). The clock icon indicates that Kathleen finished the test in a very short time, which may have affected her score.
Changing any of the selections you've made will automatically update the table.
Score: Scaled Score (SS) and Percentile Rank (PR) for Latest Star and Latest Star Spanish. The score for Latest Star CBM is CPM (Correct Per Minute).
florida students and the alternate response accommodation
Students in Florida (grades K–2) who have had the "FAST Paper-Based Form" Alternate Response accommodation set for them will have a Score FAST Forms button below their name in the Record Book. Teachers can select this button to enter student responses to Star Math or Star Reading assessments where the FAST Paper-Based form was used.
- You can create a PDF version of the table by selecting Print or Save under the table at the bottom of the page.
You can download a CSV file (export-ClassStatus.csv) with all of the test data for the students in the selected class or group by selecting Download Data under the table at the bottom of the page.
Data included in CSV file
The CSV file includes a row for each assessment, and columns of data related to the specific type of assessment. The data columns are listed below. Columns marked with an asterisk (*) will only show data for Star CBM assessments; columns marked with a dagger (†) will only show data for the other Star programs; unmarked columns apply to both assessment types.
Note: Rows for all students in the selected class or group will be included in the CSV file, even if they have not taken an assessment of the selected type and are not shown in the current view of the Latest Assessments tab.
- Client ID (a short form of the name for your Renaissance site)
- School Name
- Class Name
- Teacher Name (for the class)
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Grade (student's grade at the time of the assessment)
- Activity Name (the type of assessment: Star Math Enterprise Tests, Star Reading CBM Activity, etc.)
- Measure Name*
- Purpose* (Screening for the recommended screening measure for the student's grade, Progress Monitoring if a goal is set for the measure, or Other for all other situations)
- Season * (Fall Testing Window, Winter Testing Window, or Spring Testing Window)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- Correct / Minute * (equated CPM [correct per minute] score)
- Percent Correct*
- Percentile Rank
- Decile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–10 = 1, 11–20 = 2, 21–30 = 3, 31–40 = 4, 41–50 = 5, 51–60 = 6, 61–70 = 7, 71–80 = 8, 81–90 = 9, and 91–00 = 10; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 10 is highest])
- Quartile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–25 = 1, 26–50 = 2, 51–75 = 3, 76–100 = 4; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 4 is highest])
- Time Taken (in seconds)
- Completed Date (based on UTC, not local time zones—for example, 2020-12-04T17:57:33.686Z would indicate a test was administered on 12/4/2020 at 12:57 pm est)
- Test Mode* (Online, Mixed Format, or Print)
- Teacher Notes*
- Number Correct*
- Number Attempted*
- Attempted / Minute*
- Form ID*
- Activity ID
- Application Name (name of the program the assessment was taken in: Star Early Literacy, Star CBM Math, etc.)
- Enterprise Score†
- Unified Score†
- Star State Benchmark†
- Star District Benchmark†
- Star School Benchmark†
- Diagnostic Code
- Extended Time
- Tested at School (Yes, No, or Unknown for older assessments that don't have the information)
- To see the historical Star data for a specific student, select that student's name in the table. This will take you to the Student Details page for that student.
Viewing Recommended Skills
If the Provider Content Availability preference is set to show Nearpod resources, you will need to create a free Nearpod account to save Library Lessons, and a paid Nearpod account to preview and save Premium Resources; visit for more information.
At the current time, no Nearpod resources are available for Spanish skills.
View recommended skills for the students in the table by selecting or
above the table of students . The pop-up window gives you four ways to proceed:
- Select Group Recommendations to divide the students into instructional groups, and then view the skills recommended for those groups.
- Select Student Recommendations to view the skills recommended for individual students.
- Select Browse Learning Progression to view the Learning Progression by grade and domain.
- Enter a standard or keyword for a skill in the search field and then select the search icon to find specific skills.