How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance and access the Star Record Book.
- On either the Latest Assessments, Screening Comparison, or Star CBM tab, use the Subject, School (if necessary), and Class or Group drop-down lists to view a specific set of students.
- In the table of students, select a student's name to go to the Student Details page for that student.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
If you select a student's name in the Star Record Book, the Student Details page for that student will open. On this page, you can see detailed records of the student's Star assessments in the chosen subject.
- In the upper-left corner of the page, you will see the subject you are viewing data for, the class or group the student is in, and the name of the student. You can change any of these by using the appropriate drop-down lists.
- Teachers can only view students in one of their own classes.
- If you are assigned to more than one school, you will also need to select a school (the School drop-down list will only appear when necessary).
- When the Student Details page is opened by selecting a student's name in the Star Record Book, the Overall tab is shown by default. Select the Star CBM tab to view Star CBM-specific data for the student.
- In the upper-right corner of the page, you will see a summary of the student's current performance based on their latest Star assessment and their latest Star CBM assessment. The information displayed will vary based on the type of assessment the student has taken (see the tip below).
In the example below, the student's latest Star assessment was a Star Reading test, so in addition to the Percentile Rank (PR) and Scaled Score (SS), the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is shown. Also shown is the score from the latest Star CBM Reading assessment (a Passage Oral Reading test) and a projected score (Renaissance's research-based estimate of what the Scaled Score will be at the end of the school year; nationally, 50% of a student's academic peers meet or exceed this amount of growth).
- For reading, if the scale on the Latest Assessment tab is set to Lexile® Measure, Lexile measures will be shown in place of Scaled Scores.
- If the Lexile® range preference is set to show Lexile® ranges, they will be shown instead of ZPD Ranges.
- The benchmark is the one being used in the Star Record Book.
- If a student has not taken a Star assessment or a Star CBM assessment, it will not be included in the summary. If the student in the example above hadn't taken a Star CBM assessment, the summary would look like this:
- For Star Early Literacy and Star Early Literacy Spanish assessments, the student's Literacy Classification is shown in the summary:
Scores/information shown in performance summary
Latest assessment: Star Early Literacy
- Scaled Score (SS)a
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Rangeb
- Literacy Classification
- Projected Scorec
Latest assessment: Star Early Literacy Spanish
- Scaled Score (SS)
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Literacy Classification
- Projected Scorec
Latest assessment: Star Reading
- Scaled Score (SS)a
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Rangeb
- Projected Scorec
Latest assessment: Star Reading Third Grade Reading Assessment
- Scaled Score (SS)
- Percentile Rank (PR)
Latest assessment: Star Reading Spanish
- Scaled Score (SS)a
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Projected Scorec
Latest assessment: Star Math
- Scaled Score (SS)
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Quantile measure and Quantile ranged
- Projected Scorec
- Estimate of Student's Algebra Readinesse
Latest assessment: Star Math (Algebra / Geometry)
- Scaled Score (SS)
Latest assessment: Star Math Spanish
- Scaled Score (SS)
- Percentile Rank (PR)
- Projected Scorec
Latest assessment: Star CBM
- Correct Per Minute
Latest assessment: Star Preschool
- No Star Preschool scores/information are shown in the summary.
a. If the Lexile® measure scale was chosen in the Record Book (on the Latest Assessments or Screening Comparison tab), the Lexile® measure will be shown instead of the Scaled Score.
b. If the Lexile® range preference is set to show Lexile® ranges, they will be shown instead of ZPD Ranges. Note that although ZPD Ranges are not supported in Star Early Literacy, Lexile® ranges are, so if the preference is set to show them, they will be shown in the performance summary for Star Early Literacy.
c. Renaissance's research-based estimate of what the student's Scaled Score will be by the end of the school year. Based on national data, 50% of a student's academic peers met or exceeded this amount of growth (with peers defined as students in the same grade with a similar score history).
d. Depending on the setting of the Quantile® measure preference.
e. For Star Math Enterprise, algebra readiness will only be shown for students in grades 1–8. For Star Math Progress Monitoring, algebra readiness will only be shown for students in grades 3–8. Algebra readiness will not be shown for algebra-only or geometry-only tests.
- At the bottom of the page is a table showing all of the student's assessments in the selected subject. For each assessment, the date, activity (type of assessment), and score are listed (select the heading of a column to re-sort by the data in that column).
The table uses the same colored squares and circles as the Star Record Book (see legend below table) to indicate what benchmark the student's score placed them in at the time of the test. Note: Users in Texas will see Star Reading Spanish – State Benchmark and Star Math Spanish – State Benchmark below the table when appropriate. - Use the drop-down lists in the Actions column in the row for a test to perform one of the following actions:
For both English and Spanish versions of Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math
- View Mastery will open the Monitor Student Mastery Dashboard, where you can see the student's skill area mastery and mastery of domains, standards, skills, and subskills based on data from Star tests.
Deactivate (or Reactivate) will let you deactivate an assessment or reactivate one that was already deactivated. Deactivating a test removes the test-taking data and the test results from any reports or calculations for the student.
With default user permissions, only district administrators, district staff, and school level administrators can deactivate and reactivate English and Spanish versions of Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math assessments. Teachers will not see Deactivate or Reactivate in the drop-down list.
Only assessments in the current school year can be deactivated; prior-year assessments cannot be deactivated.
- View Details will open up a CBM Assessment Report for the Star CBM assessment.
- Deactivate (or Reactivate) will let you deactivate a CBM assessment or reactivate one that was already deactivated.
- Transfer Activity lets you transfer a student's assessment from one student to another (for example, if an assessment was accidentally credited to the wrong student).
- You can create a PDF version of the table by selecting Print or Save above the table at the bottom of the page.
You can download a CSV file (export-StudentDetails.csv) with all of the student's test data by selecting Download Data above the table at the bottom of the page.
Data included in CSV file
The CSV file includes a row for each assessment, and columns of data related to the specific type of assessment. The data columns are listed below. Columns marked with an asterisk (*) will only show data for Star CBM assessments; columns marked with a dagger (†) will only show data for the other Star programs; unmarked columns apply to both assessment types.
- Client ID (a short form of the name for your Renaissance site)
- School Name
- Class Name
- Teacher Name (for the class)
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Grade (student's grade at the time of the assessment)
- Activity Name (the type of assessment: Star Math Enterprise Tests, Star Reading CBM Activity, etc.)
- Measure Name*
- Purpose* (Screening for the recommended screening measure for the student's grade, Progress Monitoring if a goal is set for the measure, or Other for all other situations)
- Season * (Fall Testing Window, Winter Testing Window, or Spring Testing Window)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- Correct / Minute * (equated CPM [correct per minute] score)
- Percent Correct*
- Percentile Rank
- Decile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–10 = 1, 11–20 = 2, 21–30 = 3, 31–40 = 4, 41–50 = 5, 51–60 = 6, 61–70 = 7, 71–80 = 8, 81–90 = 9, and 91–00 = 10; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 10 is highest])
- Quartile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–25 = 1, 26–50 = 2, 51–75 = 3, 76–100 = 4; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 4 is highest])
- Time Taken (in seconds)
- Completed Date (based on UTC, not local time zones—for example, 2020-12-04T17:57:33.686Z would indicate a test was administered on 12/4/2020 at 12:57 pm est)
- Test Mode* (Online, Mixed Format, or Print)
- Teacher Notes*
- Number Correct*
- Number Attempted*
- Attempted / Minute*
- Form ID*
- Activity ID
- Application Name (name of the program the assessment was taken in: Star Early Literacy, Star CBM Math, etc.)
- Enterprise Score†
- Unified Score†
- Star State Benchmark†
- Star District Benchmark†
- Star School Benchmark†
- Diagnostic Code
- Extended Time
- Tested at School (Yes, No, or Unknown for older assessments that don't have the information)
- Select Back to Class View at the top of the page to return to the Star Record Book.