How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page:
- Renaissance Next: Select Star in the sidebar, then select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Math, or Star Spanish.
- Legacy Mode: Select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Math, or Star Spanish.
- In the drop-down list, select Record Book.
- In the Star Record Book, select the Screening Comparison tab.
Note: You can also reach this page by selecting Star CBM Reading or Star CBM Math on the Home page, then selecting the Screening Comparison tab.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
On the Screening Comparison tab, you can view students' screening results over time to get a sense of how they are growing. You can also compare results from two different types of assessments; for example:
- Compare Star Reading and Star Math screenings for a class for an overall sense of how the students are performing.
- Compare Star Early Literacy and Star Reading screenings for students who are transitioning from one assessment to the other.
- Compare Star Reading and Star CBM Reading (or Star Math and Star CBM Math) to evaluate results from two different types of assessments.
- Use the Subject drop-down list at the top of the page to choose what type of screenings you want to see: Reading or Math:
- Use the School and Class or Group drop-down lists to choose which students' information will be shown (if you only have access to one school, you will not need to select one).
- Use the Assessment Type drop-down list to choose what assessment types for that subject are shown in the table:
Subject Assessment Type Screening Windows Used Assessment Shown Reading Star Reading (English) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Reading Star Reading (Spanish) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Reading Star Early Literacy (English) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Reading Star Early Literacy (Spanish) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Reading Star CBM Reading Fall/Winter/Spring windows. Fall starts on the school year start date or August 1 and runs through November 30. Winter starts on December 1 and runs through March 31. Spring starts on April 1 and runs through the end of the school year or July 31. First test taken on the recommended screening measure in each window Math Star Math (English) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Math Star Math (Spanish) School screening windows Latest test taken in the screening window Math Star CBM Math Fall/Winter/Spring windows. Fall starts on the school year start date or August 1 and runs through November 30. Winter starts on December 1 and runs through March 31. Spring starts on April 1 and runs through the end of the school year or July 31. First test taken on the recommended screening measure in each window - The table will update, showing the assessments and screening windows (past and current) that match your selections.
- For each student, you will see their name, their grade level (GL), and their assessment scores. For each screening window the student tested in, you will see the Scaled Score (SS) and Percentile Rank (PR), along with a colored square indicating what benchmark category the student was in based on the score.
- For Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math, the Correct per Minute score is shown with a colored circle indicating the benchmark color (if applicable), along with an abbreviation for the measure being scored.
Changing Benchmarks, Changing Scales, and Notes on Star CBM Scores
changing benchmarks
If you would prefer to measure the assessments against a different benchmark, select the gear in the upper-right corner of the Latest Assessment Results panel.
Use the drop-down lists to select the benchmark you want to use for the available assessment types. (Note: Star CBM benchmarks cannot be changed.) Once you have made your changes, select Save. The Latest Assessment Results panel and the table at the bottom of the page will update to match your choices.changing scales
To change the scale for the Star Reading or Star Early Literacy scores being shown, select the gear above the upper-left corner of the table and select the scale you want in the pop-up window:
The available scales will change based on the assessment(s) you are viewing.notes on star cbm scores
- Star CBM scores are represented by circles in the corresponding color of the Star CBM benchmark color.
- Abbreviations are used to indicate which measure the Star CBM assessment was focused on:
- Star CBM Reading: LS (Letter Sounds), POR (Passage Oral Reading)
- Star CBM Math: NR (Numerical Recognition), QC (Quantity Comparison), A20 (Addition to 20), MAS (Mixed Addition and Subtraction)
- For Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math, the Correct per Minute score is shown with a colored circle indicating the benchmark color (if applicable), along with an abbreviation for the measure being scored.
- If a student did not take an assessment of the selected type during the screening window, has not had an assessment for the recommended screening measure, has not taken an assessment because they failed the practice, or the screening window hasn't arrived yet, a dashed "Not Screened" square (or circle) will be shown
instead of a colored one.
- If the score for a student's Star assessment (Star Reading, Star Reading Spanish, Star Early Literacy, Star Early Literacy Spanish, Star Math, Star Math Spanish) has not been recorded yet because the assessment was very recent, a gray "Score Pending..." square will be shown
instead of a colored one; this will be replaced once the student's assessment score has been recorded.
- For each student, you will see their name, their grade level (GL), and their assessment scores. For each screening window the student tested in, you will see the Scaled Score (SS) and Percentile Rank (PR), along with a colored square indicating what benchmark category the student was in based on the score.
- Use the Compared with Assessment Type drop-down list to add another set of scores to the table. This list, unlike Assessment Type, is not limited by the selected subject; any of the available programs can be selected for comparison.
- After you select a second assessment type, the table will update, showing the scores side-by-side for each student. In this example, Star Reading (English) is being compared with Star CBM Reading.
If you want to filter your results to specific screening windows, select All Screening Windows above the table.
In the pop-up window, remove the check marks from any screening windows you don't want to see in the table (you must have at least one window selected). When you close the pop-up, the table will update and the link will change to indicate how many screening windows you are viewing (you can select the link and change the windows shown again if you wish).
- You can create a PDF version of the table by selecting Print or Save under the table at the bottom of the page.
You can download a CSV file (export-ScreeningComparison.csv) with all of the test data for the students in the selected class or group by selecting Download Data.
Data included in CSV file
The CSV file includes a row for each assessment and columns of data related to the specific type of assessment. The information shown will vary based on whether the data you are comparing is for Star only, Star CBM only, or both.
The data columns are listed below. Columns marked with an asterisk (*) will only show data for Star CBM assessments; columns marked with a dagger (†) will only show data for the other Star programs; unmarked columns apply to both assessment types.Note: Rows for all students in the selected class or group will be included in the CSV file, even if they have not taken an assessment of the selected type and are not shown in the current view of the Screening Comparison tab.
- Client ID (a short form of the name for your Renaissance site)
- School Name
- Class Name
- Teacher Name (for the class)
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Grade (student's grade at the time of the assessment)
- Activity Name (the type of assessment: Star Math Enterprise Tests, Star Reading CBM Activity, etc.)
- Measure Name*
- Purpose* (Screening for the recommended screening measure for the student's grade, Progress Monitoring if a goal is set for the measure, or Other for all other situations)
- Season * (Fall Testing Window, Winter Testing Window, or Spring Testing Window)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- CBM Benchmark * (if available for the measure and grade)—At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- Correct / Minute * (equated CPM [correct per minute] score)
- Percent Correct*
- Percentile Rank
- Decile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–10 = 1, 11–20 = 2, 21–30 = 3, 31–40 = 4, 41–50 = 5, 51–60 = 6, 61–70 = 7, 71–80 = 8, 81–90 = 9, and 91–00 = 10; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 10 is highest])
- Quartile* (for scores with benchmarks only [groups of Percentile Ranks; PRs of 1–25 = 1, 26–50 = 2, 51–75 = 3, 76–100 = 4; 1 is the lowest group of scores, and 4 is highest])
- Time Taken (in seconds)
- Completed Date (based on UTC, not local time zones—for example, 2020-12-04T17:57:33.686Z would indicate a test was administered on 12/4/2020 at 12:57 pm est)
- Test Mode* (Online, Mixed Format, or Print)
- Teacher Notes*
- Number Correct*
- Number Attempted*
- Attempted / Minute*
- Form ID*
- Activity ID
- Application Name (name of the program the assessment was taken in: Star Early Literacy, Star CBM Math, etc.)
- Enterprise Score†
- Unified Score†
- Star State Benchmark†
- Star District Benchmark†
- Star School Benchmark†
- Diagnostic Code
- Extended Time
- Tested at School (Yes, No, or Unknown for older assessments that don't have the information)