How do I get to this page?
- On the Home page:
- Renaissance Next: Select Star in the left-hand sidebar, then select SAEBRS.
Legacy Mode: Select the SAEBRS tile.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
- District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, and District Staff: view only, any student in any school in the district
- School Level Administrators and School Staff: view only, any student in their own school
- Teachers: any student in one of their own classes or groups; note that team teachers can only view data
The SAEBRS Record Book is where users can go to view mySAEBRS assessments that students in grades 2–12 have taken and create reports that summarize the assessment results. Lead teachers can also add their own feedback and add notes for a student in the SAEBRS assessment for teachers (including students in grades K–12).
- Use the Schools, Class or Group, and Student drop-down lists to choose which students to view.
- You can only select one school and class at a time; only the schools/classes available to you will be shown in the lists. (If you only have access to one school or class, you will not need to select it.)
- All of the students in the selected class will be shown in the Students list. You can check them one at a time, or you can choose Select All/Clear All at the bottom to check/uncheck all of the students at once.
- The students you have selected will be shown in the table at the bottom of the page. Each student's name, grade (at the time they took the assessment), and assessment results are shown. (A scrollbar will appear under the table if it is too wide to fit on the screen.)
By default, assessment results from all district screening windows in the current school year are shown; use the Screening Windows Selected link above the upper-left corner of the table to open a pop-up menu where you can choose which screening windows you want to see data for (the number before the link will change depending on the number of windows selected). You can only select the current screening window and/or prior screening windows from the current school year.
In the example above, the date is December 10. The user has selected the current and prior screening windows (Winter and Fall). They have not selected the Back-to-School window which came before Fall, and they cannot select the Spring window (as it has not started yet).
Note that if the dates for screening windows are changed after a student has taken an assessment, the assessment will still be associated with the screening window it was originally taken in.notes on the assessment results
- A student who was opted out of taking the assessment during a screening window (by setting the mySAEBRS preference) will have an icon indicating so.
- Students in kindergarten and grade 1 cannot take a mySAEBRS assessment; if they are included in the table, NA will be shown in place of an assessment result.
- Lead teachers should select the three blue dots in the row for a student to fill out the SAEBRS teacher assessment for that student. A pop-up window showing the student's name will open; select Start Assessment in the pop-up to begin the assessment. Note that this can only be done in the current screening window.
- A lead teacher can delete the results of a student's assessment (either the mySAEBRS assessment taken by the student or the SAEBRS assessment the teacher took themselves). To do this, they selecting the assessment result and selecting Delete Student Assessment in the pop-up window. A student can only take a second assessment during a screening window after the first one is deleted.
- Select View SAEBRS Reports above the table, then use the drop-down list to view one of the available reports:
- Individual Skills Report, which provides a detailed analysis of assessment results for individual students, comparing teacher responses to student responses and highlighting areas with some risk or high risk.
- Group Screening Report, which breaks down the assessment results for a group of students by category: Behavior, Social Behavior, Academic Behavior, and Emotional Behavior.
Administrator Report, which gives a high-level view of how many students in schools throughout the district have completed SAEBRS or mySAEBRS assessments.
By default, only district-level administrators and staff can access the Administrator Report; however, others can be granted access by setting the user permission.
- Below the table, select Print or Save to create a PDF of the table, or select Download Data to create a CSV version of the table that you can download and open with a spreadsheet program or plain-text editor.