How do I get to this page?
- On the Home page:
- Renaissance Next: Select Star in the left-hand sidebar, then select SAEBRS.
- Legacy Mode: Select the SAEBRS tile.
- In the SAEBRS Record Book, use the School, Class, and Student(s) drop-down lists to choose which students to view.
- Select View SAEBRS Reports above the table of assessment results; in the drop-down list, select Individual Skills Report.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
- District Level Administrators: any students in any school in the district
- School Level Administrators: any students in their own school
- Teachers: any students in one of their own classes or groups
The Individual Skill Reports give you an in-depth breakdown of the results of both student (mySAEBRS) and teacher (SAEBRS) assessments for a specific group of students from a single screening window.
- When you first arrive on this page, the students and screening window you selected in the SAEBRS Record Book will be shown; if you want to change them, you can do so by using the drop-down lists at the top of this page.
- This report shows data for a single screening window; if you selected multiple screening windows in the SAEBRS Record Book before coming to this page, the current (or most recent) window will be selected by default.
- You can only select one school and class at a time; only the schools/classes available to you will be shown in the lists. (If you only have access to one school or class, you will not need to select it.)
- All of the students in the selected class will be shown in the Students list. You can check/uncheck them one at a time, or you can choose Select All/Clear All at the bottom to check/uncheck all of the students at once.
- Check Hide students without data if you want students with no SAEBRS/mySAEBRS data to be excluded from the report.
- For each student, a series of charts compares the teacher's ratings on the SAEBRS assessment and the student's ratings on the mySAEBRS assessment.
In the example above, a smaller version of the entire report for a student is shown; underneath it is a magnified version of the first section of the report.
- Each student's overall totals (the sum of all the Social, Academic, and Emotional values as rated by the teacher and the student) are shown on horizontal scales near the top of the page; an icon will be shown if the overall totals indicate the student is at some risk
or high risk
- Any notes entered by the teacher on the SAEBERs assessment are shown above the bar charts.
- Under the key, the bar charts for the assessment results are shown. "Positive Behaviors" are on the left and "Negative Behaviors" are on the right.
- Each of the Social, Academic, and Emotional values have their own sections, with the subtotals of that section's scores (as rated by the teacher and the student) on the left; an icon will be shown if the subtotals indicate the student is at some risk
or high risk
- Teacher and student responses shown side-by-side. Values that indicate some/high risk are shown in the shaded "Risk Area" sections (which are at the bottom for "Positive Behaviors" and the top for "Negative Behaviors").
Note that on the Social charts there is no teacher score for "Liked by Others." This is because the corresponding mySAEBRS assessment item ("Other people like me") is a reputational identity item which is best judged on a self-assessment and not by a teacher.
- Each student's overall totals (the sum of all the Social, Academic, and Emotional values as rated by the teacher and the student) are shown on horizontal scales near the top of the page; an icon will be shown if the overall totals indicate the student is at some risk
- At the top of the page, you can select Print or Save to create a PDF of the page, or Download Data to download a CSV version of the report which you can open in a plain-text editor or spreadsheet program.