Star CBM Lectura provides Spanish reading Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) assessments that can be administered either on paper or on a computer or tablet. Teachers record results and their notes. Teachers can see students' performance as compared to benchmarks, view student growth over time, set goals, and monitor progress based on goals and interventions as needed. For more information, click one of these links or read the information below:
How to Get to This Page
If your Home page looks like this example, under "Assess Students," select Star CBM Lectura, then Record Book & Assessments.
If you have Renaissance Next instead, select Star on the left side of the Renaissance Next page. Then, select Star CBM Lectura and select Record Book & Assessments.
If you are already in the Star Record Book, select the CBM Spanish Assessments tab.
Selecting the Language
At the top of any Star Record Book page, you can choose to see the page in English or Español:
Selecting the School, Class, and Subject
At the top of the page, you can use the drop-down lists to choose the school and class or group. The School drop-down list is only available if you have access to more than one school. If you only have access to one subject or class/group, you will see the selected item, and there will be no drop-down list.
Selecting the Type of Biliteracy Program
The first time you go to the CBM Spanish Assessments tab for the selected class, you will see a welcome message, and you'll be asked to choose the type of biliteracy program that you use for this class. This information helps Star CBM Lectura give you the most best information about your students.
To start, click Select Program Type.
Select the type of program that best describes your class instruction, not the school as a whole. You will see four choices:
Dual language
two way - Speakers of English and Spanish developing both languages in conjunction: Spanish speakers and English speakers are taught together in both languages. Use the drop-down list to choose the percentage of Spanish versus English instruction in your classroom; for example, 90/10 means 90% of the instruction is given in Spanish, while 10% is given in English.
- Dual language one way - Mainly Spanish-dominant speakers developing English and Spanish: Spanish speakers are taught separately in both Spanish and English. Use the drop-down list to choose the percentage of Spanish versus English instruction in your classroom (such as 90/10 if 90% of the instruction is in Spanish).
- Transitional bilingual: Instruction is given in both languages initially, with more and more of the instruction being in English over time.
Custom: If none of the options describe your program, select Custom, then enter a brief description of your program type.
After choosing an option, select Submit at the bottom of the window.
If you select Ask Me Later, note that you can't use Star CBM Lectura with the class until you have selected a program type. To make the selection later, click Select Program Type again on the CBM Spanish Assessments tab.
Once you've chosen a program, you can change it later if necessary; simply select the change link at the bottom of the page under the table.
Getting Started
For grades 1-4, the recommended screening measure is Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español). To get started, look for Screen in each student's row and the column for that measure. Then, select the three dots above the word and select Start or Print Assessment to begin administering the assessment.
For each student, you can also start an assessment for any measure by selecting the three dots for the measure and student.
For more information about using this page, the types of assessments, and starting assessments, see the following sections.
Types of Star CBM Lectura Assessments
Star CBM Lectura includes the following measures (recommended grades are in parentheses):
Combinaciones de letras (Grades K-1)
Students say the phonetic sounds of letter pairs.
Palabras con sílabas simples (Grades K-1)
Simple-syllable words: Students read simple one- or two-syllable words aloud. (20% of the words are complex-syllable.)
Palabras con sílabas compuestas (Grades 1-2)
Complex-syllable words: Students read complex-syllable words aloud. (20% of the words will be simple-syllable.)
Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grades 1-6)
Passage Oral Reading in Spanish — Students read grade-level passages written in Spanish aloud.
Nombrar colores rápidamente (Grades K-3)
Rapid Color Naming — Students name the colors on the form. You will need a color printer if you administer this assessment in Mixed or Print mode. These assessments are available when you select Rapid Naming above the table on the CBM Spanish Assessments tab. No benchmarks are available for scores on this measure.
Nombrar objetos rápidamente (Grades K-3)
Rapid Picture Naming — Students name the objects shown in pictures on the form. You will need a color printer if you administer this assessment in Mixed or Print mode. These assessments are available when you select Rapid Naming above the table on the CBM Spanish Assessments tab. No benchmarks are available for scores on this measure.
Nombrar letras rápidamente (Grades K-3)
Rapid Letter Naming — Students name the letters on the form. These assessments are available when you select Rapid Naming above the table on the CBM Spanish Assessments tab. No benchmarks are available for scores on this measure.
Nombrar números rápidamente (Grades K-3)
Rapid Number Naming — Students name the numbers on the form. These assessments are available when you select Rapid Naming above the table on the CBM Spanish Assessments tab. No benchmarks are available for scores on this measure.
Starting Assessments
To start an assessment, select the cell in the table for the student and the assessment type (measure) that you want to assess.
For each student, you can start with any assessment. For grades 1-4, the recommended screening assessment is Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), which is marked with the screen indicator until the student has taken the assessment in the current season. Other grades do not have recommended screening assessments.
For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), if you see the "Screen" message for a student who already has a score in the current screening window, the student has been assessed on a passage for a lower or higher grade level, but not the student's current grade level.
If the cell for a student and measure has three dots and no score, the student has not yet taken an assessment on the measure during this school year. To start one for any measure (regardless of whether it is labeled "Screen"), select the cell; then, select Start or Print Assessment. You will then be asked to choose how you want to administer the assessment.
If the cell already shows a score, you will see the student's past scores as described below. Select Start or Print Assessment in the popup window.
Assessments can be administered online, using a mixed format (with the teacher at a computer and the student using a printed form), or using print forms for both the teacher and student. For more information, see How to Administer Star CBM Lectura Assessments.
Viewing the Scores
How the Table Shows Star CBM Lectura Assessment Scores
For each student, you will see the student's grade and the student's latest Correct Per Minute (CPM) score (if any) for each type of assessment. When benchmarks are available for a student's grade and the current screening window (Fall, Winter, or Spring), the background color shows which benchmark category the score falls into. Note: Rapid Automatic Naming assessments are Field Test assessments; they do not currently provide benchmarks for scores.
For measures that don't have norms and benchmarks for the student's grade and season, scores are shown on a gray background. If you see a green check mark next to the score, that score would fall within the Satisfactory/Optimal category in the nearest grade and season where benchmarks exist for the measure. (For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), when the student is assessed at another grade level, the benchmarks for the passage's grade level and the nearest season to the student's grade are used for the check mark.)
You can sort the scores for a measure in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading for the measure.
After you finish or score an assessment, you will see the Score Pending message for a short time as the software calculates the score. You can click the refresh icon on the cell to refresh the page and to see if the score is ready yet.
Some Correct Per Minute (CPM) scores are adjusted (equated) based on form difficulty or because forms were completed before time ran out. In both of these instances, the score will be higher than the observed score. For more information, see Correct Per Minute Scores and How They Are Adjusted (Equated).
Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) assessments have a percent accuracy score in addition to the Correct Per Minute score. You can see the percent accuracy score when you select a score in the Record Book; you also see it on the Student Details page.
Scores across measures aren't comparable. A number that may be Satisfactory/Optimal for one measure may be in the Alert category for another measure.
For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), benchmarks are only available for passages at the student's current grade level, not passages at other grade levels.
Seasons and Benchmarks
In Star CBM Lectura, benchmarks show whether students are performing as expected on the measure for the grade level and season. Seasons include Fall, Winter, and Spring:
Season | Timeframe |
Fall | Either the school year start date or August 1 (whichever is earlier) through November 30 |
Winter | December 1 through March 31 |
Spring | April 1 through the end of the school year (or July 31) |
Benchmarks are available for the following measures for grades K-4. Where benchmarks are for specific screening windows, that is noted in parentheses.
Grade | Measures That Have Benchmarks |
Kindergarten | Combinaciones de letras (Spring only) |
Grade 1 | Combinaciones de letras (Fall and Winter only) Palabras con sílabas simples (Winter and Spring only) Palabras con sílabas compuestas (Spring only) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 2 | Palabras con sílabas compuestas Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 3 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 4 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 5 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
* Recommended screening measure for the grade and subject. For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), only passages at the student's grade have benchmarks.
Scores with benchmarks are shown on a background color that reflects the benchmark category; scores that don't have benchmarks are shown on a gray background. Note: Star CBM Lectura benchmarks cannot be changed. For detailed information about the benchmark categories and the related scores, see Star CBM Lectura Score and Benchmark Tables.
Once the first assessment has been scored, at the top of the page you will also see the Star CBM Lectura status bar. This bar shows you the latest assessment results for the selected subject based on each student's last assessment (even if the students weren't assessed on the same measure). The bars indicate how many students tested in the Satisfactory/Optimal and Alert categories in their last assessment. The gray portion of the bar shows you how many students took assessments that don't have a benchmark for their grade level. The white portion with the dashed line shows you that some students haven't taken any assessments. If you move the cursor over the bar, you will see how many students are in each benchmark category and the gray category.
Rapid Automatic Naming assessments are not included in the status bar.
You will also see the latest assessment results for other Star assessments that your students. Each bar includes only students' most recent reading or math Star assessments for English and for Spanish, so if a student has taken both Star Reading and Star Early Literacy assessments in one language, only the most recent test will be included in the status bars.
Each status bar will show you the proportion of students who have scored in each benchmark category for that assessment, and if you move the mouse over the bar, you will see how many students are in each category. Students whose tests have no benchmarks (Star Math Algebra and Geometry tests) will be shown in gray. The white area surrounded by the dashed bar shows how many students either haven't taken the assessment or have a different, more recent Star assessment for the same subject and language.
Viewing Past Scores
When you select a score, you can see the student's past scores in this school year. For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), the grade level of the passage is shown next to each score; percent accuracy is also shown for those assessments. You may also see icons indicating that there is a recording of the assessment or that there are notes.
From here, you can do the following:
- Select Details to the right of a score and assessment date to view detailed results for a specific assessment, including the score, any notes you entered, and the items that were marked wrong. You can also edit the score. If an audio recording is available, you can listen to that recording (and remove it if you'd like).
- Select Start or Print Assessment to start a new assessment of this type for the student.
- Select the measure name at the bottom of the popup window to see a chart of the student's assessments on this measure during this school year.
Entering Scores, Reprinting, and Removing Mixed or Print Assessments
If you used the Print format for assessments, you need to enter the student's scores after the assessment. Select Enter Scores for the student and measure; then, select Enter Scores again in the popup window. (If you are using forms from preprinted booklets, you can also verify the form ID in this popup window - PVAEES-G1 Form 14 in the example below.) You can then enter the date administered, time taken, and any notes you may have, and you can select words, letters, or items that the student gave an incorrect answer for.
To start Mixed assessments that you did not administer right away after printing, select In Progress; then, select Start to begin the assessment. (If you are using forms from preprinted booklets, you can also verify the form ID in this popup window - PVAEES-G1 Form 20 in the example below.)
To reprint student forms for Print or Mixed assessments, select Reprint in the popup window. You can also choose to remove (cancel) an assessment.
If you see an Incomplete Assessment message like the one below, an Online or Mixed assessment was interrupted - the teacher (and possibly the student) closed the browser window before the assessment was finished. Since Star CBM Lectura assessments are brief, an incomplete assessment cannot be completed if it is interrupted without compromising its validity. Select the message, then select Remove Incomplete Assessment to remove the incomplete message so that you can start a new assessment.
Viewing Rapid Automatic Naming Assessments
If you want to administer Rapid Automatic Naming assessments, select Rapid Naming above the table. You will see your students' scores on those measures, and you can begin assessments as you would in the standard view (Foundations of Literacy).
Viewing a Student's Details
To see one student's history of scores, select the student's name. You will go to the Student Details page and the Star CBM Lectura tab, where you will see a list of all of the student's Star CBM Lectura scores. If you have set a goal for the student, you will also see a chart showing the student's progress toward the goal. In the table(s) of assessments, you can choose to view details for a student's assessment, deactivate it, or transfer the score to another student if the assessment was accidentally administered under the wrong student's name. For more information, see Student Details, Star CBM Lectura Tab.
On the Student Details page, you can also select the Overall tab to see a list of all of the student's Star scores (see Student Details page) or the Star CBM tab to see the student's English Star CBM scores (see Student Details, Star CBM tab).
Adding Goals
In Star CBM Lectura, goals help you monitor a student's progress toward a desired outcome over time. You can set a student goal for any measure that you have administered to the student at least once. Students can have multiple goals, but they can only have one goal per measure at a time (except for Pasajes para lectura en voz alta español, where students can have one goal per grade level). You cannot set a goal for students who have not taken any Star CBM Lectura assessments. Goals are not available for Rapid Automatic Naming assessments.
Goal Column Message | What It Means |
... | The student has taken at least one assessment. You can set a goal by selecting …, but based on the measure assessed (or a Satisfactory/Optimal score on a recommended screening measure), Star CBM Lectura isn't prompting you to set one at this time. |
Add Goal | Star CBM Lectura suggests that you set goal for the student based on the student's score on the recommended screening measure. (Only grades 2, 3, and 4 have a recommended screening measure.) When you select Add Goal, the suggested measure will be selected. Note: Even if you don't see the "Add Goal" message, you can still set a goal for the student by selecting the student's latest score for a measure and selecting Add Goal. |
Needs Screening | The student hasn't taken any Star CBM Lectura assessments. You can't set a goal until the student has taken at least one assessment. |
Not Assessed | There is no recommended screening measure for the student's grade, and the student has not taken any assessments. You can't set a goal until the student has taken at least one assessment. |
Track Goal | You have set at least one goal for the student; the measures that you have set goals for are labeled "Monitor Progress." When you select Track Goal, you will go to the Student Details page with the Star CBM Lectura tab selected. On that page, you'll see a chart showing the student's progress toward each goal, and you can select Edit Goal if you need to change or end the goal. |
For more information about setting and monitoring goals, see Goals and Star CBM Lectura.
Printing or Saving Results
To open a file that includes all the student data shown on this page, or to print the page, select Print or Save under the table.
Then, using your browser's print options, choose whether to save to a file (PDF) or to select a printer and print a paper copy. In the file or printed copy, scores are printed in the benchmark colors (or gray) on a white background to reduce the use of printer ink, and some items are omitted that are part of the user interface and not the students' data.
If you want to print or save students' Rapid Automatic Naming assessments, be sure to select Rapid Automatic Naming before you select Print or Save.
Exporting Scores to a .csv (Comma-Separated Value) File
To export all scores for the selected class or group and the selected subject for this school year, select Download Data under the table.
A .csv file named export-CBMAssessments.csv will be downloaded to your computer. This file can be opened with spreadsheet programs so that you can use the data in your own reporting. The file includes a row for each assessment with the following information; you'll also see rows for students who have not taken assessments (without test data). The file will include columns that apply to Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy; those columns are empty when you export information for Star CBM Lectura.
Viewing Students' Other Star Scores
To see your students' scores on other Star assessments (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, or Star Math in both English and Spanish), select the Latest Assessments tab.
To compare scores on two different Star tests, select the Screening Comparison tab.
To see English Star CBM scores, select the CBM English Assessments tab.
Reports, Groups, and Planning Instruction
At the top of the page, you'll see a series of links that take you to related areas in the Renaissance software:
View Reports: Opens a menu. The items in the menu depend on the products used by your school and class:
- Star / Assessment Reports and Star Data Insights go to more information about students' Star Early Literacy, Star Math, and Star Reading assessments (both English and Spanish).
- Star CBM Data Insights give you more information about your students' screening, participation, and benchmark proficiency for Star CBM and Star CBM Lectura.
- Star CBM Caregiver Report gives teachers and schools a way to communicate with students' caregivers about each child's performance on Star CBM and Star CBM Lectura assessments.
- Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report includes screening scores for Star Reading and Star Early Literacy English and Spanish assessments as well as Star CBM and Star CBM Lectura assessments; it also includes definitions of terms and at-home practice ideas.
- Manage Groups: Takes you to the Manage Groups page, where you can set up groups that you can select in Star CBM Lectura. (This is not available if you don't have permission to manage groups.)
- Plan Instruction: Takes you to Planner, where you can assign instructional resources, assignments, and assessments to help student growth on the skills you select.