Benchmarks are available for the following measures for each grade and season; see the table below. Note: Star CBM Lectura benchmarks cannot be changed.
Grade | Measures That Have Benchmarks |
Kindergarten | Combinaciones de letras (Spring only) |
Grade 1 | Combinaciones de letras (Fall and Winter only) Palabras con sílabas simples (Winter and Spring only) Palabras con sílabas compuestas (Spring only) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 2 | Palabras con sílabas compuestas Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 3 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 4 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
Grade 5 | Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español)* |
* Recommended screening measure for the grade and subject. For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), only passages at the student's grade have benchmarks.
For grades 1-5, the recommended screening measure is Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) at the appropriate grade level. A student's screening assessment is the first assessment taken in the season for the recommended screening measure. Other grades don't have recommended screening measures.
On the CBM Spanish Assessments tab in the Star Record Book, when benchmarks are available for a student's grade and the current screening window (Fall, Winter, or Spring), the background color shows which benchmark category the score falls into.
Note: Rapid Automatic Naming assessments do not yet have benchmarks.
For measures that don't have norms and benchmarks for the student's grade and season, scores are shown on a gray background. If you see a green check mark next to the score, that score would fall within the Satisfactory/Optimal category in the nearest grade and season where benchmarks exist for the measure. (For Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español), when the student is assessed at another grade level, the benchmarks for the passage's grade level and the nearest season to the student's grade are used for the check mark.)
See Star CBM Lectura Score and Benchmark Tables to get detailed information about:
- which Correct Per Minute (CPM) scores and Percentile Rank (PR) scores are in each benchmark category for each grade and season with benchmarks
- how Percentile Rank (PR) scores relate to CPM scores for each grade and season with benchmarks
Once the first assessment has been scored, at the top of the CBM Spanish Assessments tab on the Star Record Book page, you will also see the Star CBM Lectura status bar. This bar shows you the latest assessment results for the selected subject based on each student's last assessment (even if the students weren't assessed on the same measure). The bars indicate how many students tested in the Satisfactory/Optimal or Alert categories in their last assessment. The gray portion of the bar shows you how many students took assessments that don't have a benchmark for their grade level. The white portion with the dashed line shows that some students haven't taken any assessments. If you move the cursor over the bar, you'll see how many students are in each benchmark category and how many have taken assessments without benchmarks.
Rapid Automatic Naming assessments are not included in the status bar.
You will also see the latest assessment results for other Star assessments that your students took for the selected subject (reading or math). The Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math bars are similar to the one for Star CBM Lectura.
For other Star assessments, each bar includes only students' most recent Star Reading or Math assessments for English and for Spanish, so if a student has taken both Star Reading and Star Early Literacy assessments in one language, only the most recent test will be included in the status bars.
Each status bar will show you the proportion of students who have scored in each benchmark category for that assessment, and if you move the mouse over the bar, you will see how many students are in each category. Students whose tests have no benchmarks (Star Math Algebra and Geometry tests) will be shown in gray. The white area surrounded by the dashed bar shows how many students either haven't taken the assessment or have a different, more recent Star assessment for the same subject and language.