The Star CBM Caregiver Report gives teachers and schools a way to communicate with students' caregivers about their child's performance on Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Math, or Star CBM Lectura assessments.
Who can access the report with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
District personnel can generate the report for any students in the district. School administrators and staff can generate the report for any students in their assigned school(s). Teachers can generate the report for students in their classes.
If your students also take Star Reading or Star Early Literacy assessments in English or Spanish, you can also choose to use the Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report. This report for caregivers includes screening data for Star computer-adaptive reading tests (Star Reading and Star Early Literacy in English and Spanish) as well as screening data for Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Lectura assessments. The report includes scores and definitions of terms, and can include at-home practice ideas based on Star CBM assessments.
Where to Find the Star CBM Caregiver Report
To open the report:
- If you see the Home page after logging in, select Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Math, or Star CBM Lectura; then, select CBM Caregiver Report in the menu that opens.
- If you see Renaissance Next for teachers after logging in, select Reports on the left, then select Caregiver Report under Star CBM.
- In the Star Record Book (any tab), select View Reports at the top of the page; then, select Star CBM Caregiver Report in the menu that opens.
How to Generate the Report
- At the top of the Star CBM Caregiver Report page, use the first two drop-down lists to choose the school and class. If you only have access to one school or class, you won't need to select them.
- In the Subject drop-down list, choose whether to generate the report for Star CBM Reading assessments, Star CBM Math assessments, or Star CBM Lectura assessments.
- Use the Screening Period drop-down list to choose the Star CBM season or screening period for which you want to generate the report. You can only select screening periods from the current school year (not previous school years). In the Fall season, Fall is selected automatically and there is no drop-down list since it is the only season that has happened so far this school year. Screening periods include:
- Fall: The school year start date or August 1 (whichever is earlier) through November 30
- Winter: December 1 through March 31
- Spring: April 1 through the end of the school year (or July 31)
If you want to include measures that do not have norms and benchmarks available on the report, check the Show Non-normed Measures box to the right of the Update Report button.
Which measures have benchmarks for each grade?
Grade Star CBM Reading Measures That Have Benchmarks Star CBM Lectura Measures That Have Benchmarks Star CBM Math Measures That Have Benchmarks K - Letter Sounds
- Phoneme Segmentation
- Letter Naming
- Receptive Nonsense Words
- Sight and High-Frequency Words (Spring only)
- Encoding
- Combinaciones de letras (Spring only)
- Numeral Recognition
- Quantity Comparison
1 - Letter Sounds (Fall only)
- Expressive Nonsense Words
- Phoneme Segmentation
- Sight and High-Frequency Words (Winter and Spring only)
- Passage Oral Reading (Grade 1)
- Encoding
- Combinaciones de letras (Fall and Winter only)
- Palabras con sílabas simples (Winter and Spring only)
- Palabras con sílabas compuestas (Spring only)
- Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 1)
- Numeral Recognition (Fall only)
- Quantity Comparison
- Addition to 10
2 - Expressive Nonsense Words
- Sight and High-Frequency Words
- Passage Oral Reading (Grade 2)
- Encoding
- Palabras con sílabas compuestas
- Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 2)
- Addition to 10
- Addition to 20
- Subtraction from 10
3 - Sight and High-Frequency Words
- Passage Oral Reading (Grade 3)
- Encoding
- Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 3)
- Subtraction from 10
- Mixed Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication to 100
4 - Passage Oral Reading (Grade 4)
- Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 4)
N/A 5 - Passage Oral Reading (Grade 5)
- Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 5)
N/A 6 - Passage Oral Reading (Grade 6)
N/A N/A - If you want to include Rapid Automatic Naming Measures on the report (Rapid Color Naming, Rapid Picture Naming, Rapid Letter Naming, and Rapid Number Naming), check Show Rapid Naming Measures.
- Select Update Report to generate the report.
- Use the remaining options to choose the information that you want to focus on:
Students: All students in the class are selected by default. To remove some students, select the drop-down list and uncheck the students for whom you don't need reports. You can also select Clear All at the bottom of the drop-down list and then check those students for whom you need reports.
Report Language: Choose English or Spanish.
If you want to change the language of the report options, select Español or English at the top of the page. Note, however, that this only changes those options; the Report Language drop-down list determines the language of the report itself.
Show At-Home Practice & Useful Terms: Check this box to include definitions of the measures (practice areas), scores, and benchmark categories to help caregivers understand the report.
- Show Student ID: Check this to include each student's ID along with the name, report date, grade, school, and subject.
- Show Overall Risk Score: This option is only available when Star CBM Reading is selected as the subject, and only if the Star CBM Reading - Overall Risk Score preference is set to include the score in Star CBM for your school. Check the box to include each student's Overall Risk Score Percentile Rank for each season/screening period in the report. This score represents the likelihood a student is at risk for not meeting grade-level expectations in reading as defined by a combined set of scores or composite.
Students: All students in the class are selected by default. To remove some students, select the drop-down list and uncheck the students for whom you don't need reports. You can also select Clear All at the bottom of the drop-down list and then check those students for whom you need reports.
- The report will reflect the options you have chosen. To print it or save it as a PDF file, select Print or Save and use the options available in your browser. Note: Each student's report will print on a separate page automatically.
What Is Included on the Report
The Star CBM Caregiver Report for each student includes:
- A graph of the student's score on the screening measure in each season in the current school year. In each season, the score is placed somewhere in the Correct Per Minute Range for the applicable benchmark category. In the example below, only the fall assessment has occurred; the winter and spring assessments will be added to the graph when those seasons begin and assessments have been completed.
What are the screening measures for each grade?
The recommended screening measure for each student is based on the student's grade; see the table below.
Grade Star CBM Reading: Recommended Screening Measure Star CBM Lectura: Recommended Screening Measure Star CBM Math: Recommended Screening Measure K Letter Sounds N/A Numeral Recognition 1 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 1) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 1) Quantity Comparison 2 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 2) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 2) Addition to 20 3 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 3) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 3) Mixed Addition and Subtraction 4 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 4) Pasajes para lectura en voz alta (español) (Grade 4) N/A 5 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 5) N/A N/A 6 Passage Oral Reading (Grade 6) N/A N/A - A table of the student's Overall Risk Score for each season if the report is for Star CBM Reading and the Show Overall Risk Score box is checked in the report options. The Overall Risk Score table includes the score for each season (if available) as a Percentile Rank and the benchmark category. Even if the box is checked, the table and scores are not included for students who have not taken all of the assessments included in this composite score; for more information, see Overall Risk Score / Percent At Risk Overall.
- A table of the student's other Star CBM assessments in the selected screening period/season (aside from the screening assessments). Only the first assessment in the season is included; if you have not checked Show Non-normed Measures, only measures with norms and benchmarks are included in the report. For each assessment, the table includes the date, the assessment type or measure, the benchmark target score (if benchmarks are available for the measure in the student's grade), and the student's score. The benchmark target is the minimum score that would be At/Above Benchmark for Star CBM Reading and Math or Satisfactory/Optimal for Star CBM Lectura. Next to the student's score, you'll see the name of the benchmark category the score is in (if benchmarks are available) and an icon showing that benchmark category. For more about Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math benchmarks, see Star CBM Screening Windows and benchmarks; for Star CBM Lectura benchmarks, see Benchmarks in Star CBM Lectura.
If benchmarks are not available for a score, you'll see a gray circle instead of a benchmark icon. If you see a green check mark after that score, that score would fall within the At/Above Benchmark category in the nearest grade and season where benchmarks exist for the measure. (For Sight and High-Frequency Words, Passage Oral Reading, and Encoding, when the student is assessed at another grade level, the benchmarks for the assessment's grade level and the nearest season to the student's grade are used for the check mark.) - At-Home practice recommendations for measures for the student's grade and explanations of the scores and benchmark categories. These are included if you check Show At-Home Practice & Useful Terms in the report options at the top of the page.
Going Back to the Record Book
At the top of the page, select Star Record Book to return to the Record Book.