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On this page, you can see how students' benchmark categories have changed on grade-level screening measures from one screening window to another.
What are the screening windows?
Each year, Star CBM includes three screening windows, whose dates cannot be changed:
- Fall Starts on the school year start date or August 1 (whichever is earlier) and runs through November 30.
- Winter is from December 1 through March 31.
- Spring begins April 1 and runs through the end of the school year or July 31.
What are the measures with benchmarks for each grade?
The measures that have benchmarks available for students are based on the students' grade; see the table below.
Grade | Star CBM Reading Measures That Have Benchmarks | Star CBM Lectura Measures That Have Benchmarks | Star CBM Math Measures That Have Benchmarks |
K |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
N/A |
5 |
N/A |
6 |
N/A | N/A |
How to Get to This Page
- First, go to the Star CBM Data Insights page using one of these methods:
- On the Home page, select Star CBM Reading, Star CBM Lectura, or Star CBM Math; then, select Data Insights from the menu that opens.
- On the Renaissance Next teacher page, select Reports on the left side of the page; then, select Data Insights under Star CBM.
- On the Home page, select Reports; then, select Star CBM Data Insights.
- Then, on the Reading - English, Reading - Spanish, or Math % Moving Up tile, select Explore the data.
Note: You can choose to see Data Insights pages in either English or Spanish using the language links at the top of the page.
Choosing the Data to View
First, choose the data that you want to view using the drop-down lists at the top of the page.
- School: If you have access to more than one school, choose "All Schools" to see data from all of your schools or choose a single school. If you only have access to one school, you will see your school name.
- Class or Group: If you choose a single school, you can choose to see data from all classes that you have access to or from a single class or group.
- Grade: Choose "All Grades" or a single grade (from K to 6 for reading or K to 3 for math). Students who are in the selected grade(s) in the current school year will be included.
- Screening windows: Choose the screening windows (Fall, Winter, or Spring) to compare using the From and To drop-down lists. You can choose screening windows from this school year and the previous school year. Note that the data shown will only include students who have tested in both screening windows. You can choose the same window in both drop-down lists if you only want to see results from that window.
- Measure: Choose whether to see the grade-level screening measures for the selected grades (measures that have benchmarks available) or to see results for a specific measure. If you select Sight and High-Frequency Words, Passage Oral Reading, and Encoding, select the measure at the grade level that you want to see data for. Note that if you choose a single grade and a measure that does not have benchmarks for that grade, you won't see transition data since there are no benchmark scores.
After you make changes, select Update below the drop-down lists to show the data.
How Recent Is the Data?
To the right of the School and/or Class or Group drop-down list(s), you'll see the date and time when data was last updated. When you're viewing data for all schools, the data is updated nightly. When you're viewing data for individual classes, the data is current.
Viewing the Benchmark Transitions for the Selected Students and Windows
First, you'll see an overview of the transitions from one screening window to another (if benchmarks are available for the selected grades and measures).
Next, you'll see how many students scored in each benchmark category in the first screening window you selected (From) and the benchmark categories they scored in within the second screening window you selected (To). If you selected "All Grades," note that different grades have benchmarks available for different measures, and the scores in each benchmark category differ for each grade.
For detailed information about the scores that fall into each benchmark category for different measures and grades, see Star CBM Score and Benchmark Tables for Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math or Star CBM Lectura Score and Benchmark Tables for Star CBM Lectura. Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Math have three benchmark categories: At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, and Intervention; Rapid Automatic Naming measures have two categories: At/Above Benchmark and At Risk. Star CBM Lectura has two benchmark categories: Satisfactory/Optimal and Alert.
In the Star CBM Reading example below, 13 students (72.2%) scored in the At/Above Benchmark category in Winter 2020. Of those students, 9 scored in the At/Above Benchmark category again in Spring 2021, while 1 scored in the On Watch category and 3 scored in Intervention.
One student started in the On Watch category in Winter 2020; in Spring 2021, that student scored in the Intervention category. Of those who scored in Intervention in Winter 2020 (4 students), in Spring 2021, 2 scored in the At/Above Benchmark category and 2 scored in the Intervention category.
To see a list of students in any benchmark category in either screening window, select the number of students. For each student in the selected category, you'll see their grade, their scores in the first screening window, their scores in the second screening window, their school, and their class. For more information, see Star CBM Data Insights - Individual Student Benchmark Transitions.
Viewing a Printable PDF or Downloading Data for Spreadsheet Programs
Do you want to print or save the data? Select Print or Save; then, using the options in the window that opens, print the page or save it to a PDF file.
To download a file suitable for spreadsheet programs (.csv), select Download Data. The file will include a row for each starting benchmark category; each row will include:
- the school name (or "All Schools")
- the class or group or "All Classes" (if you have chosen a single school)
- the grade (or "All Grades")
- the starting screening window
- the ending screening window
- the measure name (if you selected a single measure) or "Grade-Level Screening Measures"
- the starting benchmark category name
- the number of students in that benchmark category in the starting screening window
- the number of students who moved from that benchmark category to another category in the ending screening window
Going Back
To go back to the main Data Insights page to see other information, select All Data at the top of the page.