The Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report provides a unified, cohesive summary of screening results from both Star CAT and Star CBM assessments. For purposes of this report:
- Star CAT (Computer-Adaptive Tests) includes Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Reading Spanish, and Star Early Literacy Spanish.
- Star CBM (Curriculum-Based Measures) includes Star CBM Reading and Star CBM Lectura.
The report is designed to meet state and district requirements by blending multiple use cases into a simple, focused report that will allow educators to share screening test results with caregivers, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page regarding student performance and assessment outcomes.
This report is currently unavailable for customers in Florida, Chicago Public Schools, and San Francisco Unified School District.
How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page:
Legacy Mode:
- Select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Spanish, Star CBM Reading, or Star CBM Lectura.
- In the drop-down list, select CAT+CBM Caregiver Report.
You could also select Record Book, select View Reports at the top of the Star Record Book page, and then select Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report as shown below.
Renaissance Next:
- Select Star in the sidebar, then select either Star Reading, Star Early Literacy, Star Spanish, Star CBM Reading, or Star CBM Lectura.
- In the drop-down list, select Record Book.
- In the Star Record Book, select View Reports at the top of the page, then select Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report from the drop-down list.
Legacy Mode:
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
The CAT+CBM Caregiver Report cannot be generated until a district administrator defines the District Report Settings.
The data included in the report will vary based on the Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report Settings, which can only be edited by district administrators. District administrators access these settings by selecting District Report Settings to the right of the Update Report button at the top of the page.
- At the top of the page, use the School, Class | Grade, and Subject drop-down lists to begin choosing which students to include in the report.
- Select Class or Grade above the second drop-down list to toggle between selecting a class or a grade. You cannot select both a class and a grade at the same time.
- District-level administrators and district staff can select any single school in the district, any single class or grade in that school, and a subject (Reading or Reading Spanish).
- Reading includes assessments from Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star CBM.
- Reading Spanish includes assessments from Star Early Literacy Spanish, Star Reading Spanish, and Star CBM Lectura.
- School administrators and school staff can select one of their own schools, any single class or grade in that school, and a subject.
- Teachers can select one of their own schools, any single class or grade they are teachers for in that school, and a subject.
- If a user has access to only a single school, class, grade, or subject, they will not need to make a selection—the single option available to them will be chosen automatically.
- Use the Report Language drop-down list on the right to choose which language to create the report in (English or Spanish).
- Select Update Report.
- A preliminary version of the report opens, showing information for the selected students based on the report settings. At this point you can make further updates:
- Use the School, Class | Grade, and Subject drop-down lists to change which students are included in the report, and the Report Language drop-down list to change the language (as described earlier).
- Use the Students drop-down list to further refine the students included in the report. By default, all students in the chosen class or grade are included (and All Students is shown in the drop-down list); add or remove check marks to include or exclude specific students. Choose Select All or Clear All at the bottom of the drop-down list to check or uncheck all the students at once.
- Check Show CBM At-Home Practice to include a list of recommended at-home activities that students can use to practice. (They will not appear for students who have not taken a Star CBM or Star CBM Lectura assessment.)
- Check Show Student ID to include student IDs on the report.
After making your changes, select Update Report to regenerate the report.
An Example Star CAT+CBM Caregiver Report
This is an example report for a first-grade student, Silas Nelson, created on April 10 of the 2024–25 school year. The selected subject is Reading. Throughout the school year, Silas took only Star Early Literacy and Star CBM assessments; he did not take any Star Reading or Spanish assessments.
The top row of the report shows the student's information: name, ID (if that option was selected earlier), the date the report was created, the student's grade and school, and the selected subject.
The next row shows the district screening windows that Star CAT data was taken from to create the report. These are determined by the report settings.
- Regardless of the actual names of the screening windows, the labels on the report will be Fall Screening, Winter Screening, and Spring Screening.
- The screening windows used for Star CBM assessments are fixed and cannot be changed in the report settings.
The next section shows results from Star CAT assessments; Silas only took Star Early Literacy assessments during the school year.
- If Silas took more than one Star CAT assessment in a screening window, the scores shown are from the most recent assessment in that window.
- The Percentile Rank (PR), Scaled Score (SS), and risk categories in the fall screening window establish a baseline; in subsequent screening windows, an arrow to the left of the scores indicates if the student's Scaled Score went up or down compared to the prior screening window. In Silas's case, his scores went up in both the winter screening and spring screening windows.
- The color is a benchmark category indicator (categories are based on the benchmark that is set as the default for the district). The cut scores for the benchmark categories are shown below the table. In Silas's case, his PR scores in the fall and winter screening windows put him in the Intervention (yellow) category; in the spring, he went up to At/Above Benchmark (green).
If the default benchmarks being used are state benchmarks, no PR scores will be shown.
- At the district level, the option to show Star Early Literacy subscores was selected, so Silas's subscores are listed below the Scaled Score, Percentile Rank, and risk category. Three of the available subscores were chosen for inclusion in the report settings.
The next section shows results from Star CBM assessments.
- If Silas took more than one Star CBM assessment for the same measure in a screening window, the scores shown are from the earliest assessment in that window.
- The report settings determine which measures and scores are shown; in Silas's report, the same ones are shown in all three screening windows—the Star CBM Overall Risk Score and five CBM assessments.
- The Percentile Rank (PR), Correct Per Minute (CPM), Accuracy, and benchmark categories in the fall screening window establish a baseline; in subsequent screening windows, an arrow to the left of the scores indicates if the student's scores went up or down compared to the prior screening window. In Silas's case, all of his scores went up in both the winter screening and spring screening windows.
- The color is a benchmark category indicator (see the Star CBM Score and Benchmark Tables for more information). The cut scores for the benchmark categories are shown below the table.
- If a CBM measure does not have benchmarks for the grade the student is in, gray is used instead of a color and no PR scores are shown—this is the case for Letter Naming in the table above, which has no grade 1 benchmarks (Silas's grade). However, a note indicating whether the student has foundational understanding or not ("off-grade benchmark met/not met") will be added.
The next section provides useful terms to know. The terms will vary based on the scores that appear in the report; for example, if there were no Star CBM assessments included in the report, none of the Star CBM-specific terms (such as Correct Per Minute or Accuracy) would be shown here.
The last section only appears if the Show CBM At-Home Practice option was selected earlier. It will provide a list of practice areas for the student and suggest activities to practice. These recommendations are based on the Star CBM measures and scores that are included in the report (if no Star CBM scores are in the report, selecting the Show CBM At-Home Practice option will have no effect).
Once the report is showing the data you want to see, select Print or Save to print the report or to save it as a PDF file.