Once Clever has been integrated with your Renaissance site, you can select Manage Clever Integration on the Manage Apps & Users page to come to the Clever Integration page. On this page, you can sync with Clever, view statistics, and see a list of Renaissance tasks.
If students have been removed from your Student Information System, be sure to generate and save or print all Renaissance reports for those students before you sync with Clever again so that you have the necessary data. Once you sync with Clever, the students will be deactivated.
Each section in Clever is limited to one term. Updating existing sections to the next term, including future terms, in Clever is not currently supported when using the Clever Self-Serve rostering option.
The Clever section of the page will remind you that roster data must be managed in Clever now that Clever has been integrated with your Renaissance site. If you need to make roster changes, select Manage in Clever to open Clever.
If there have been updates to Clever since the initial integration or the last sync, select Sync Now to re-sync your Renaissance data with Clever. As data is synced, you will see the "In Progress" icon and the "Sync in progress" message, and you can select Refresh Status to update the status. Below the Sync Now button, you'll see the number of schools, classes, students, and teachers that you have based on the last Clever sync.
In the Renaissance section of the page, you'll see a list of tasks that you need to complete in Renaissance because the data does not come from Clever. This includes the following:
- Assigning Products to Classes: Students and teachers can't use Renaissance products until those products are assigned to their classes. If you see the icon, at least some of your classes do not have products assigned. To assign products, select Assign Products to Classes to go to the Classes and Courses page; for more information, see Assigning Products.
- Managing marking periods and days off: Although a school year is set up in Renaissance based on terms in Clever, school marking periods and days off need to be set up within Renaissance itself, and Star screening windows can be adjusted as needed. Marking periods are used for goals and reports. Days off are used for calculations. Screening windows are timeframes during which students take Star tests. To manage any of these dates, select Manage School Calendar.
- Managing non-teaching staff: Although Clever integration brings your teachers into Renaissance, it does not add administrators and other non-teaching staff. To add those users to Renaissance, select Manage Administrators and Staff to go to the Users page. For more information, see Add School Personnel and Add District Personnel.
- Review and change data editing restrictions: To prevent changes to information in Renaissance that should be made in Clever (such as student information, class enrollments, etc.), data editing restrictions have been set in Renaissance. To see the restrictions and to choose to allow changes to other information, select Review and Edit Restrictions.
- Review and change ID mapping: To choose which student IDs to use in Renaissance on reports, user management pages, and growth or historical extracts, select Edit Display ID. You will go to the Display ID setting page.
Other Tasks to Consider
If you are new to Renaissance software, or if it is the start of a new school year, you may also want to do the following:
- Set the learning standards that you want to use for reading and math. Learning standards should only be changed at the start of a school year to avoid interfering with student assignments and assessments.
- Determine restrictions on what students can do from home.
- Check product preference settings. Preferences include date and time restrictions for Accelerated Reader quizzes and Star tests.
- View and set Star benchmarks for the district, schools, and state (view only).
- Teachers can set Star goals and Accelerated Reader goals.
- For more information about the Renaissance tiles in Clever, see Clever Tiles Available for Renaissance Products and Their Purpose.
- For more about summer school, see Tips for Setting Up Summer School When Using Clever Self-Serve.
If You Want to Stop Using Clever to Roster Renaissance
If you want to disconnect Clever from Renaissance and use another method to provide users and rosters in Renaissance, first choose a time when your users are not likely to be using the system. Allow time to create new student and teacher passwords after disconnecting and before students and personnel need to access the Renaissance software.
When you're ready to disconnect, select the Disconnect Clever button in the bottom of the left column.
A message will remind you that if you disconnect Clever, you must add new passwords for all of your student and teacher users so that they will be able to continue to log in. The most efficient way to do this is to import a single-school CSV file or to use another automatic rostering method, such as CDI.
If you want to continue and disconnect Clever, you must type DISCONNECT in the field provided; then, select the Disconnect button.
A message will tell you that Clever disconnect is in progress; select Got It. (If you see an error instead, contact Renaissance Support for assistance.)
Once you start Clever Disconnect, you will go to the Manage Apps & Users page, where you can see the status of Clever disconnect. When Clever has been disconnected, the message will change to remind you that you can use Clever for single sign-on and automated rostering.
Once disconnect is complete, you need to do the following:
- In the Renaissance software, set student and personnel user passwords. For more information, see Learn More: What Do I Need to Do After Disconnecting from Clever?.
- In Clever, hide the Renaissance application tile so that users no longer try to access Renaissance from within Clever.
- Make sure all users have the Renaissance URL so they know how to access the software directly. This may involve setting up bookmarks or shortcuts on school computers and providing the new address to users who may access the software on other devices.
Going Back
To leave this page and go back to the Manage Apps & Users page, select < Back at the top of the page.