In Star Preschool, you can export any of the following to a comma-separated value (.csv) file, which can be opened in many spreadsheet programs:
- All Star Preschool scores for a class and the current screening window
- All Star Preschool scores for a specific student for the current school year and all screening windows
- All Star Preschool scores for a specific student for all school years and selected screening windows
If you prefer to save results to a file (PDF) or print results, you can use the Print or Save option instead.
You can also export the data that you see in the Class Growth and the Comparisons and Growth views.
Who can do this with the standard user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
Exporting Scores for the Class and Screening Window
- On the the Assessments Dashboard, select the class and view scores for the screening window that you want to export.
- Select Download Data at the bottom of the page.
The name of the file that is downloaded includes "assessment dashboard", the school name, class name, and screening window.
Exporting One Student's Star Preschool Scores for the Current School Year
- On the Assessments Dashboard, select the class that the student is in. Then, select the student's name.
- On the Student Details page and the English Literacy tab, select Download Data below the tabs and to the right.
The name of the file that is downloaded includes "student details," the school name, the class name, the student name, and "liten" (for Literacy, English).
Exporting One Student's Star Preschool Scores for Current and Past School Years
- On the Assessments Dashboard, select the class that the student is in. Then, select the student's name.
- Select the Overall tab on the Student Details page.
- Use the Screening Window dropdown list to choose which screening window to export scores for, or leave All Screenings selected. Past school years will be included regardless of your selection.
- Select Download Data. The name of the file that is downloaded includes "student details," the school name, the class name, the student name, and "overall."
What Is Included in the Downloaded File
Whether you download data from the Assessments Dashboard or the Student Details page, for each assessment, the file includes this data:
- client ID for your site
- school name
- class name
- teacher name
- student ID
- student name
- student grade
- activity name (Star Preschool Literacy Enterprise Activity Type)
- measure
- purpose (screening or progress monitoring)
- screening window (fall, winter, or spring)
- benchmark (At/Above Benchmark, On Watch, or Intervention)
- benchmark range (Student Details downloads only)
- scaled score
- time taken (in seconds, not including practice items)
- activity date
- test mode (online)
- teacher notes
- activity ID
- application (Star Preschool)
- tested at school (yes indicates in person, no indicates remote)