Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, School Level Administrators, Teachers
florida b.e.s.t. standards and planner
For our customers in Florida, in Planner, domains are referred to as strands, and standards are referred to as benchmarks.
Planner brings together your curriculum, Star data on your student achievement, and high-quality instructional resources to help you develop Lesson Plans for your classroom. Planner saves you time by making every step in the lesson planning process easier.
An Overview: How Planner Works
This is a very broad overview of how Planner works. For specific instructions on using features of the program, refer to the "Related Topics" links (either on the right side of the page or at the bottom, depending on the width of your screen).
Make sure a district level administrator or school level administrator has set the Provider Content Availability preference before you begin using Planner.
Planner is aligned to your state standards so that you can choose learning objectives for your students consistent with your instructional approach.
To begin, you choose the students, subject, date(s), and a name for your lesson plan.
After that, you find and select learning objectives (skills) to include in your lesson plan.
After choosing skills, you select resources and assessments to assign to students.
Finally, you arrange assignments across the days in your chosen timeframe—Planner makes it easy for you to create a logical assignment sequence. Once you've finished that, you generate your lesson plan, which sends the Lesson Plan's assignments and assessments to the students' Assignment list.
Once students have completed assignments and assessments in a Lesson Plan, use the following dashboards to see how they performed: