On the Review Results Dashboard, you can see student scores and achievement by Lesson Plan, assignment, skill, or item type.
You can get to this page from the Reports page and and the Star Custom Dashboard as well as results links from other dashboard views.
How to Get to This Page
- On the Home page, select Reports; then, in the menu that opens, select Star / Assessment or Math Practice.
- On the Reports page, do one of the following:
- On the Star / Assessment tab, in the “Test Status and Results” section of the page, select Review Results Dashboard.
- On the Math Practice tab, in the “Management Reports” section of the page, select Review Results Dashboard.
Selecting the Assignments, Students, Time Period, and Star Scale
To start, choose what you want to see:
- First, choose the assignments that you want to see.
In the window that opens, you can choose which assignments you want to include in the view. Note that you can choose assignments of more than one type, from more than one application. As you make selections, the assignments will be added to the top of the window (see "Star Reading Enterprise Assessment (Spanish)" in the first example below). -
Assignments from assessment apps: This includes English and Spanish assessments from Star Early Literacy, Star Math, and Star Reading as well as Star Custom assessments. Select the application and the type of tests to include as shown below.
Note: Summative test data that you have imported through Star Custom does not appear on the Review Results Dashboard. -
Instruction: Check the types of instructional resources that you want to include in reporting.
- Practice: Check the practice assignments that you want to include. You can select:
AR 360 Instructional Practice assignments: These may include Article Quizzes (quizzes that students took on their own, without assignments), Read Aloud Assignments (for K-2), Read and Quiz assignments, Skills Practice Assignments (without quizzes), Skills Practice (Migrated) Assignments (from before the 2016-2017 school year), and Skills Practice and Quiz Assignments.
For Accelerated Reader independent reading quizzes, see the Accelerated Reader Record Book.
Review the selected assignments at the top of the window. If you want to remove any, select the x as shown below.
When you've finished selecting assignments that you want to see mastery results for, select Apply.
- Next, choose the students for whom you want to view data.
In the columns that open, find and choose the students whose data you want to see.
District-level personnel will typically be asked to choose the school, teacher, class or group, and then the students. School administrators and non-teaching staff are typically asked to choose a teacher, class or group, and students. Teachers are typically asked to choose the class or group and students.
In the last column, first choose whether to see data for all students in the class or to select the students. If you choose to select students, check the box for each student that you want to include in the data.
When you have finished, select Apply.
You can search the items in a column by clicking within that column and then typing Ctrl+F or control-F on the keyboard.
The groups that are available are custom groups that you have added for Dashboards, Planner, Star Custom, and Accelerated Reader 360 (depending on the subject that is selected).
In the Classes and Groups column, you will see the class listed, and then each group for a class. For example, if Class A has custom groups set up named Blue Group and Green Group, you would see Class A listed alone, then Class A - Blue Group and Class A - Green Group.
- Next, choose the timeframe to view data for: the school year, the last 30 days, the last 7 days, the current marking period, today, or custom dates.
Which marking period is used?
Marking periods are set up for all Renaissance software by administrators or non-teaching staff. The Review Results Dashboard only recognizes marking periods that have the type set to "Marking Period" (not other types such as quarters or semesters).
In the Review Results Dashboard, when you choose Marking Period as the time period to view data for, the software uses the current marking period that has the type set to Marking Period. If there is more than one, the software uses the first marking period in the list that fits the criteria.
You can't select Marking Period in the Review Results Dashboard if no school marking periods are set up in your Renaissance software.
If you choose to see data for a custom date range, you can either type the start and end dates or select them from the calendars that open as you click in each field. You can select Clear dates (in the top right corner) to remove dates that you have entered or selected. When you're done choosing the dates, select Continue (or Cancel if you decide not to use custom dates).
- Choose the scale that you want used for scores shown on the page. Star scores on this page will be shown in the scale that you select.
- Lexile® Scale refers to the Lexile® Measure scale. It applies to reading scores only.
- Star Unified Scale is a single scale of 0-1400 that unites Star Early Literacy, Star Math, and Star Reading on the same scale. The Star Unified scale also has the desirable measurement properties of a Rasch score scale.
On some sites, the Star Enterprise Scale may also be available; on those sites, the district administrator determines whether the scale can be used.
Viewing Lesson Plan Data
Lesson Plans can include a variety of student work and assignments, depending on the software that you have available. Click one of the links below for more information.
Lesson Plans created in Planner, which may include a variety of reading and math assignments and assessments
Most Lesson Plans will have the name they were given when assignments were created. Some may be named "Lesson Plan" or named after a module in an aligned pacing guide that you are using in Planner. Each time you create assignments, you can choose whether to add them to the existing plan or to create a new plan. If you have more than one plan with the same name, use the Start Date to identify the plan that you want to work with.
You can also see plans that were created for multiple classes or groups or for an entire grade; however, you will only see the work done by the students you selected at the top of the page.
If you click the arrow next to one of these Lesson Plans, you can see the students that the plan was created for. If you want to see the status of student work for the plan, click the View link in the Actions column for either the Lesson Plan or a student; then, select Track Student Work.
If you select a student's name, you can see the student's status for all work the student has been assigned, including work in this Lesson Plan. In the example below, Samantha has viewed the last four resources listed, but she has not yet completed the two Star Custom assessments or the third item listed. If you select Complete for many assignments in the Status column, you can choose whether to view the student's performance across skills, performance across item types, item responses, or mastery. (For some assignments, the Complete status is not a link. Depending on the type of assignment, you may also be able to choose whether to review, rescore, reassign, or request a resubmit of the assignment.)
If you select a Lesson Plan instead, you will see the assignments that are part of the plan. When you view the assignments, you can select the arrow to list the students, just as you could at the Lesson Plan level. If you click View in the Actions column for an assignment or student, you can choose whether to view Performance Across Skills, Performance Across Item Types, Item Responses, or Mastery. (If you click the student's name, you can see the student's status for the assignments and scores for complete assignments.)
If you click the assignment name, you can then see the date of each student's last action and each student's score (if the assignment is complete). You may see additional columns for assignments from Accelerated Reader Instructional Reading. If you click the student's name, you can see the date of the student's work on the assignment, the status, and the score if the work is complete.
Accelerated Reader 360 Instructional Reading assignments
Most Accelerated Reader 360 plans will have the name that they were given when the teacher created assignments. Some may be named "AR 360 Instructional Practice Plan." Assignments that you created by browsing on the Find Content page are in separate plans from those that you created by finding assignments by skill. (Some plans are only shown if you choose the school year as the time period.)
Whenever you create new assignments, you decide whether to add them to the previous plan or to create and name a new plan. However, note that when you assign Featured articles, and when students read articles on their own and take quizzes, those assignments are added to the "AR 360 Instructional Practice Plan."
You can also see assignment plans that were created for multiple classes or groups or for an entire grade; however, you will only see the work done by the students you selected at the top of the page.
The start date will help you identify plans. The table will show each plan, who it was assigned to (an entire class or multiple groups/classes), the total number of assignments in the plan, and the number of skills it tests.
If you click the arrow next to one of these plans, you can see the students that the plan was created for (for assigned work) or the students who have read articles and taken quizzes on their own (in the AR 360 Instructional Practice Plan). If you want to see the status of student work for the plan, click the View link in the Actions column for either the plan or a student; then, select Track Student Work.
If you select a student's name, you can see the student's status for all of the student's work, including the work in this plan. In the example below, Samantha has completed work on two different articles. The quizzes have been scored automatically; the skills practice portions of the assignments have been submitted by Samantha but have not been scored yet.
For Article Quiz activities, if you click Complete, you can choose whether to view Performance Across Skills, Performance Across Item Types, Item Responses (for skills practice), or Mastery.
For Skills Practice activities, if you choose Submitted, you can choose to score the activity. If the status is Complete, when you select it, you can choose to review or rescore the activity or to request a resubmit, to view performance across skills or item types, to view item responses, or to see mastery information for the skill. (Note that a mastery score is not available for assignments that focus on a skill that is not in the learning progression. The district administrator sets the Learning Standards that are used.)
If you select a plan instead of expanding it as described above, you will see the assignments that are part of the plan. When you view the assignments, you can select the arrow to list the students, just as you could at the plan level. If you click View in the Actions column for an assignment or student, you can choose whether to view Performance Across Skills, Performance Across Item Types, Item Responses (for skills practice) or Mastery. (If you click the student's name, you can see the student's status for the assignments and scores for complete assignments.)
If you click the assignment name, you can then see the date of each student's last action and each student's score on the skills practice (if applicable) and the quiz (if these activities are complete). In the example below, Samantha has completed and submitted the skills practice for the assignment (which has not yet been scored), and she has taken the quiz, which was scored automatically. Anthony has not yet worked on the assignment. If you click Submitted in the Skills Practice column, you can choose to score the activity. After both activities for the assignment have been scored for a student, you will see a score in the Score column.
If you click the student's name, you can see all of the student's work, including the assignment. You can see the date of the student's work on the assignment, the status, and the score if the work is complete. You can also click Complete to see information about the student's work or Submitted to score skills practice work.
Star Custom assessments that have been assigned to students
For Star Custom assessments, you will see lesson plans like the one shown below. Most plans will have the name they were given when assessments were assigned; some plans may be named "Star Custom Assessment Plan". When you create assignments, you can decide when to create a new plan and when to add assignments to an existing plan. The start date will help you identify each plan.
You can also see plans that were created for multiple classes or groups or for an entire grade; however, you will only see the work done by the students you selected at the top of the page.
The table will show the plan, who it was assigned to (the whole class or groups), the total number of assignments (assessments) in the plan, and the number of skills it tests.
If you click the arrow next to one of these plans, you can see the students that the plan was created for. If you want to see the status of student work for the plan, click the View link in the Actions column for either the plan or a student; then, select Track Student Work.
If you select a student's name, you can see the student's status for all work, including work in this plan. In the example below, Ava has completed work on the first skill check and has scored 80%.
If you select a plan instead of expanding it, you will see the assigned subskills that are part of the plan. When you view the assignments, you can select the arrow to list the students, just as you could at the plan level. If you click View in the Actions column for an assigned subskill or a student, you can choose whether to view Performance Across Skills, Performance Across Item Types, Item Responses, or Mastery. (If you click the student's name, you can see the student's status for the assessments and scores for complete assessments.)
If you click the assessment name, you can then see each student's score on the assessment (if the student has finished it and it has been scored) and the date of each student's last action. In the example below, Marcos and Ava have completed the the assessment, but Ryan has not.
If you select a score, you can choose to review or rescore the assignment, to view performance across skills or item types, to view item responses, or to view mastery for the skill.
Sometimes, you may also see one of the following messages instead of a score:
- In Progress may mean the student is currently taking the test; it may also mean that the test window was closed or the browser experienced an error while the test was in progress.
- Suspend means the student chose to stop the test.
- Needs Approval may be shown if the end date has passed and the test was not completed. The student cannot take the test unless the end date is extended.
If you click the student's name, you can see all of the student's assigned work, including assessments in this plan. The table includes the date of the student's last work, the status of the current activity, and the score if the student finished the assessment and it was scored. You can click the status to see more options (such as Review/Rescore, view Performance across skills or item types, view Item Responses, or view Mastery).
Star Early Literacy tests, Star Math tests, and Star Reading tests (Star Ad-Hoc Lesson)
Star test results are shown in a plan titled Star Ad-Hoc Lesson. You will see a separate plan for each type of Star test, and Spanish tests will be in separate plans from English tests.
The table will show the plan, who it is assigned to (always the whole class for these plans), the total number of assignments (assessments) completed, and the number of skills tested.
If you click the arrow next to one of these plans, you can see the students who have taken Star tests for the selected class. If you want to see the status of student work for the plan, click the View link in the Actions column for either the plan or a student; then, select Track Student Work.
If you select a student's name, you can see all of the student's work, including the student's Star scores and status for the assessment. In the example below, Camilla has completed two Star Reading Spanish Enterprise Assessments.
If you select a plan instead of expanding it, you will see the tests that students completed. You can select the arrow to list the students and to see their scores and the number of skills tested. If you click View in the Actions column for the test or a student, you can choose to go to the Mastery view to see Domain Scores. (If you click the student's name, you can see the student's scores, and you can click the status and choose to see mastery information.)
If you click the assignment name, you can see each student's score on the assessment (if the student has finished it and it has been scored) and the date of each student's last action. (For paused tests, you'll see "Suspend.") If you select a student's score, you can choose to view Mastery scores.
Sometimes, you may also see one of the following messages instead of a score:
- Ready is shown when the student clicked the Star program tile, but the test was not actually started, and the student didn't see any questions.
- In Progress may mean the student is currently taking the test; it may also mean that the test window was closed or the browser experienced an error while the test was in progress.
- Suspend means the student chose to stop the test and the monitor password was entered to allow the test to be stopped.
- Needs Approval may be shown for the Third Grade Reading Proficiency Assessment if it is available for your district. This status means the end date has passed and the test was not completed. The student cannot take the test unless the end date is extended.
If you see a Complete status for one student instead of a score at this level, the student failed the practice test and was not able to go on to the actual Star test.
If you click the student's name, you can see all of the student's work. For Star assessments, you will see the date of the student's last work, the status of the current activity, and the score if the student finished the test and it was scored. You can click the status and choose to see mastery information.
Each time you click on a plan, assignment, or student's name, you will see a link just above the table on the new view that will take you back to the previous one.
You can click the heading of any column in the views described below to sort the tables by that column.
Viewing Performance Across Skills and Item Types
When you select some scores or assignment status links, you will have the option to view performance across skills or item types.
When you view performance across skills, each of the skills or subskills that are related to the assignments are listed with an overall score for the selected student, group, or class.
If you click the arrow next to a skill or subskill name, you can see a list of students and their overall score for work on the skill or subskill.
When you view performance across item types, you see each item type that the student or group has completed and the overall score for that item type. If you click the arrow next to an item type, you can see a list of students and each student's overall score.
Planning Instruction
To find resources to use for instruction for the selected students, select Plan Instruction in the top-right corner of the page.
You will go to Planner, where you can choose skills and resources and generate a Lesson Plan.
For more information, see Getting Started with Planner.
Generating a PDF of the Page to Print or Save
Click the PDF icon at the top of the page to generate a PDF file. You can then print or save the file.
Going Back to the Reports Page
Select the Reports icon at the top of the page to go back and choose a different report or dashboard.