The State Standards Mastery - Class Report shows you the levels of mastery that students in a class have achieved in relation to your state standards, based on the students' most recent Star assessments, both Enterprise and non-Enterprise. (Note: This does not include Star Custom assessments.)
It also gives you a prediction of what students' mastery levels will be at the end of the school year. In addition to English, mastery can also be shown for Spanish (for students who have taken Star Early Literacy Spanish, Star Math Spanish, or Star Reading Spanish assessments).
Related video: AssessMinutes—Mastery
How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page:
- Renaissance Next: Select Reports under “My Data” in the left-hand sidebar; then select Reports in the sidebar under “Star / Assessment.”
Legacy Mode: Select Reports; then select Star / Assessment in the drop-down list.
- On the Star / Assessment tab on the Reports page, under “State Performance and Mastery,” select State Standards Mastery - Class Report.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
District Level Administrators, District Dashboard Owners, District Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
florida b.e.s.t. standards and the state standards mastery - class report
For our customers in Florida, this report is called the State Benchmarks Mastery - Class Report; on the report, domains are referred to as strands and standards are referred to as benchmarks.
- Use the School drop-down list to select a school.
- If you are assigned to only one school, you will not see the School drop-down list.
- School administrators and school staff can only select their own schools.
- Teachers can only select schools that they are assigned to.
- Use the Students drop-down list to select a class at the chosen school.
- School administrators and school staff can only select classes in their own school.
- Teachers can only select their own classes.
You can also find and select specific groups or students at the chosen school by using the Groups or Students links below the Students drop-down list. Selecting one of these links will open a corresponding pop-up window; in that window, enter search criteria in the field at the top of the window to find specific groups or students (in the "Select Students" pop-up window, district- and school-level users can select a grade to narrow down the list of students). Once you've searched, check the box at the top of the list to select all the available choices, or make individual selections below it.
- School administrators and school staff can only select a class, groups, or students in their own school.
- Teachers can only select one of their own classes, their own groups, or students enrolled in one of their own classes.
- Select the arrow in the heading of a column to re-sort by the data in that column. The arrow indicates which column is being used for sorting and the order of the sort: up arrow = A–Z, down arrow = Z–A).
Once you have made your choices, select Save Selection at the bottom of the pop-up window. - Use the Subject drop-down list to select the subject you want to see mastery data for. The chosen subject determines what types of assessment data are used to calculate mastery:
Open a screen-readable version of this table in a new window.
Subject Assessment Data Used Subject Assessment Data Used Reading Star Reading Enterprise Reading Spanisha Star Reading Spanish Star Early Literacy Star Early Literacy Spanish Star Reading Progress Monitoring Subject Assessment Data Used Subject Assessment Data Used Math Star Math Enterprise Math Spanishb Star Math Spanish Star Math Progress Monitoring Star Math Algebra Star Math Geometry a. If you select Reading Spanish as the subject, a pair of radio buttons will appear to the right; use them to select which language will be used to show the standards and domains on the report: Español (Spanish) or English.
b. If you select Math Spanish as the subject, you will not need to select an assessment type (Star Math Spanish is the only assessment type and will automatically be chosen).
- Use the Date Range drop-down list to choose the dates you want to generate the report for. You can select an existing marking period or screening window, or you can select Custom... and set your own dates. If you select Custom, use the calendars to select a range of dates or type them in the fields using m/d/yyyy format; then select Apply to use the dates you have chosen or Cancel to close this pop-up without saving your selection. Dates must be in the current school year.
If schools use their own unique date ranges within a district screening window, those ranges will all have the same name. To help you tell them apart, the dates they cover will be added to the end of the name.
- After the overall report has been created, you can also create reports for individual students; if you check Show Student ID for Student View, the student's ID will be included in that report.
- After you have made your choices, select Update Report.
If you change the students the report is being created for, you will need to select Update Report again to make the data refresh.
- Each table in the report focuses on a single domain group. The domains in that group are listed at the top of the table, and abbreviated versions of the standards belonging to each domain are shown underneath. You can hover on a standard to see a complete description of it. Note that the domains and standards will be shown in the language you chose earlier; the skills shown are based on the learning standards chosen for your district.
- In the row for each student, you can see the student's level of mastery for each standard, based on the student's most recent assessment in the selected date range (based on the chosen subject). Note that these are not test scores: they represent the level of mastery the student has for each standard: Beginning (0–59% mastery), Developing (60–79% mastery), or Secure (80–100% mastery).
Sample chart, in English
Sample chart, in Spanish
If the table is too wide to fit the screen, a scrollbar will appear below it.
If a cell in the table shows two dashes ( -- ), it means the student didn't get any questions related to that standard in any assessments taken within the school year.
If a row in the table says "No assessment data available," it means the student hasn't taken any assessments of the type being shown in the report yet.
Note: For students in grade 12, domain scores are not shown for Star Math Enterprise or Progress Monitoring assessments because those tests assess domains that are typically not taught in grade 12. If the student has taken the Star Math Algebra or Geometry Assessment, the student will have domain scores.
- To view projected mastery data, select the Projected Mastery toggle above the upper-right corner of the first table to turn it On. Each table cell with a current mastery value will have an estimated mastery value for the end of the school year added to it, in a circle to the right (the background color of the circle will correlate to the Beginning/Developing/Secure percentages). The values are research-based: 50% of students with the current scores are expected to reach the estimated values by the end of the school year.
- Printing works a little differently for this report compared to others. When you select in the upper-right corner, you can select one of two options:
Generate PDF of the current screen: This will create a PDF of all the tables on the screen, which you can then view or download. If a table is too wide to fit on a page, the overflow columns will break to a "continued" table beneath it.
If one of the selected classes has students from multiple grades in it, multiple tabs will open during the PDF creation process. You will need to allow pop-ups in order for the reports to generate and print correctly.
Generate PDF of individual student mastery: This creates a PDF with separate reports for each student, with page breaks between the students. In each report, full descriptions of the standards are listed, along with the students' mastery level for each.
- You can also select the Download Data button above the first chart in the report to to download a CSV (comma-separated values) version of the report that you can open in a spreadsheet program:
When projected mastery is turned On and a PDF for a single student is created, the PDF will include current and projected scores.
We recommend printing one of these reports at the start of the school year after your students have taken their first Star assessment(s). This will give you an initial "milestone" that you can compare subsequent mastery levels to later in the school year.
If you'd like a hard copy of all the state standards (for reference purposes), print a PDF for a single student and then cut off the top and right sides:
Generate PDF of the current screen: This will create a PDF of all the tables on the screen, which you can then view or download. If a table is too wide to fit on a page, the overflow columns will break to a "continued" table beneath it.
- To return to the Reports page, select either Back to Reports or the report icon at the top of the page.