Products: Star Math, Star Reading
Platform: Macintosh, Windows
Last Updated: 11/4/2021
Is there a way for students to take a shorter, non-Enterprise version of the Star Math or Star Reading test?
By default, students will always see the 34-question Enterprise version of the test. However, there are preferences to allow students to take a shorter, non-Enterprise test when conditions are met. For Star Math, the non-Enterprise test is 24 questions. For Star Reading, the non-Enterprise test is 25 questions.
You can use the Enterprise Tests preference to determine whether students will be able to take the non-Enterprise test. This preference has two levels: under School Preferences (set by an administrator), and under Class Preferences (set by a school administrator for any class in their school or by a teacher for their own class). Note the Enterprise Tests preference applies to both Star Math and Star Reading if you are using both products.
School Preferences
The school-level setting of this preference applies to all classes in a school. If the preference is set to Enterprise tests only at the school level, then the preference cannot be set at the class level and the Enterprise test will always be given regardless of the screening window. If the preference is set to Enterprise and non-Enterprise tests at the school level, the class-level setting of the preference determines which test is given.
Class Preferences
The class-level setting of this preference can apply to all classes in a school or to individual classes. If the school-level preference (above) has been set to Enterprise tests only, you cannot set the preference at the class level. When the class-level Enterprise Tests preference has been set to Enterprise and non-Enterprise tests for a class, students in the class will receive a shorter, non-Enterprise test when they meet the following criteria:
The student is taking the test outside of the screening dates. You can view your screening dates here:
- From the Home page, select your name in the upper-right corner.
- Select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select School Calendar.
- Select the Screening Windows tab. Note that screening dates are not the same as SGP windows.
The student has a growth goal set for the assessment the student is taking that includes the date the student is testing. To access the area where you can view or set goals:
- From the Home page, select a Star program tile.
- Select Manage Goals & Benchmarks.
If a student is testing within the defined screening dates and/or does not have a current/future goal set, they will be given the Enterprise test.