The Student Growth Percentile (SGP), developed by Dr. Damian Betebenner, provides the latest in growth projections, including Betebenner's well-known catch-up, keep-up growth projections to provide longitudinal SGP data. SGP compares a student's growth to that of his or her academic peers nationwide.
SGP is measured on a 1–99 scale. Lower numbers indicate lower relative growth, and higher numbers indicate higher relative growth. For instance, if a student has an SGP of 75, it means the student has shown more growth than 75 percent of his or her academic peers. Teachers and administrators can use SGP scores to determine if students grew more than, less than, or as much as expected.
Planner uses Student Growth Percentiles to calculate the Estimated Star scores for the class/group or grade that you have selected. Note: Planner does not use imported Star assessment scores to calculate SGPs.
SGP is calculated for students who have taken at least two Star Enterprise or Star progress monitoring tests within different testing windows. It uses the most recent test (within the past 18 months) and at least one prior test from an earlier testing window (Fall, Winter, or Spring; the dates for these windows are static and need not correspond to a school or district's school year). The calculation uses the first test in the Fall, the test closest to January 15 in Winter, and the last test in Spring.
SGP utilizes the historical growth trajectories of Star examinees to map out what the range of potential growth trajectories for each student will lead to, including what growth is necessary for each student to reach/maintain proficiency. SGP is updated regularly so that students projections are based upon the most recent data available.