On the Quotes page, you can view all available quotes, enter key contacts, provide billing information (including a purchase order), generate agreements with an e-signature section, and sign agreements.
- Select Review in the row for a quote to view a PDF of that quote.
- Select Accept in the row for a quote to accept that quote -- this will redirect you to the Quote Acceptance page (see below).
Quote Acceptance Page
(Step 1: Provide Contact Information)
On the Quote Acceptance page, you can enter, update, and delete contact information; enter billing information; and provide signer contact information.
Add a Contact
- Select the + on the right side of the header bar for the contact type you would like to add.
- Complete the contact form that opens. You can assign multiple roles to the same person by checking the appropriate boxes at the top of the page.
- Select Submit. You will see a brief "Processing" message. Once the contact has been added, they will be listed in the relevant sections of the Quote Acceptance page.
Update a Contact
- Select the edit icon next to a contact's name.
- Update the contact information, then select Submit.
- You will see a brief "Processing" message. Once the contact has been updated, the new information will be listed in the relevant sections of the Quote Acceptance page.
Delete a Contact
A contact can only be removed from one role at a time.
- Select the delete icon next to a contact's name.
- Review the person's name and role, then select Submit.
- You will see a brief "Processing" message. Once the contact has been removed, you will see a confirmation message and the person will be removed from the Quote Acceptance page.
After contacts have been added, updated, and removed as needed, you can proceed to the next step by selecting Continue at the bottom of the Quote Acceptance page.
Billing Information Page
(Step 2: Provide Billing Information)
On the Billing Information page, you can enter your preferred invoice date, provide billing information, and provide signer contact information.
- You will see the Preferred Invoice Date field if there is no predefined schedule indicated for the quote. You can select any date in the future that is within the same calendar year. If an invalid date is selected, you will not be able to proceed to the next step.
- If your organization does not require a purchase order, or if no purchase order is attached (see below), you are required to provide a Bill To Institution Name in the appropriate field.
If your organization does require a purchase order, select the purchase order required check box.
Checking this box will open the Purchase Order attachment section. Use the Choose File button to attach your purchase order. - After you finish entering the billing information, select Continue to proceed to the next step. If any required information is missing, an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the section; you cannot proceed to the next step until all required information is provided.
Signer Information Page
(Step 3: Provide Signer Contact Information)
On this page, you provide the contact information for the person who will sign the contract.
After you finish entering the contact information, select Continue to proceed to the next step. If any required information is missing, an error message will be displayed at the bottom of the section; you cannot proceed to the next step until all required information is provided.
Submission Page
(Step 4: Submit)
On this page, the final steps of the submission process are outlined. Select Submit to generate the Adobe Sign Agreement and email the person indicated in step 3 above.
If an agreement is already out for signature on this quote, you will see the message below. Selecting Submit will resend the agreement email to the indicated signer.
After you select Submit, you will see a brief progress message, followed by a message indicating if the submission was successful or not.
The Agreement Signing Process
The Signer Contact (designated above) receives a link to the Adobe Sign Quote Agreement via email. As the Signer Contact, this email will give you the opportunity to open and review the agreement, provide an electronic signature, or delegate the task to another person.
- To open and review the quote agreement, click the link within the email to open the quote in Adobe Sign. You will be able to review the full quote and agreement. If a purchase order was attached during the acceptance process, it will be included in this review.
- To accept the quote agreement, provide your electronic signature where required. Once Renaissance processes your quote, you will receive an email with copies of your signed documents.
- To delegate the task to another person, be sure to click the link within the email to update the quote agreement. If you simply forward the email, the quote agreement will not be updated with the delegated person's information.