When you select the Reports box or tab, you can view reports on Screener or Diagnostics assessments. The instructions below explain how to view the reports. Note: Star Phonics reports include only students who are active in Renaissance software and enrolled in a class that has Star Phonics assigned.
Screener Reports
To view Screener Reports, in the Screener Reports box, select the drop-down list and choose whether to view student, class, or grade reports.
Note: Assessments that are taken outside the designated assessment windows are included on the individual student Screener Reports, but not on class or grade reports.
Screener Student Reports
If you chose student reports, follow these steps:
- Choose the classroom in the first drop-down list (this isn't necessary if you only have one class). Administrators also select a teacher; District Administrators also have a school selection.
- Choose the academic year.
- Choose the student's name from the next drop-down list.
- Next, choose View Result in the row for one of the student's Screener assessments. Tests are sorted by date, with the most recent test first.
- First, you'll see the Student Screener Bar Graph. This report shows the number of words read correctly for each phonics category. If you want to print the report, select Print at the top of the page. When you're done viewing this report, select Next to see the next report.
- Next, you'll see the Screener Student Tile: Phonics Category Analysis. For each phonics category, you'll see which words the student read incorrectly in red; within those words, specific sounds that you marked incorrect have a slash through them. You will also see words in orange that the student sounded out first, then read correctly. You can select Print to print the report or View Notes to see any notes you added during the assessment. When you're done, select Next.
- Finally, you will see the Diagnostic Recommendations. The skills marked with a check were the ones that were added to the pending diagnostics. Remember, any skill that is labeled "Taught" and that has a score of less than 3 was automatically marked to be added to the pending diagnostics. You could have added or removed any skills from this list immediately after the assessment was given. When you're done, select Back or one of the options at the top of the page.
Screener Class Reports
If you chose class reports, choose the type of report, the academic year, the time of year, and the classroom from the drop-down lists. (The classroom selection is only available if the user has access to more than one class.) Administrators also have a teacher selection unless they are choosing to report on previous academic years. District administrators can also select a school.
Class reports include:
Screener Classroom Matrix: This report shows you students' number correct for each phonics category and the corresponding mastery color. Skills are grouped based on whether they have been taught previously, are being taught now, or have not yet been taught; this information is based on the curriculum that your school/district selected when setting up Star Phonics. To print the report, select Print. Note: This report also includes students who have not taken assessments; for those students, the row will be gray with a dash shown for each skill.
Screener Classroom Bar Graph: This report shows you how many of the students have scored in green, yellow, and red for each category in the beginning, middle, and end of the school year (BOY, MOY, and EOY). To print the report, select Print.
Screener Grade Reports
If you chose grade reports, choose the academic year, grade level, and time of year (District Administrators can also choose a school):
One report is available:
Screener Grade Bar Graph: Like the Screener Classroom Bar Graph, the grade report shows you how many of the students have scored in green, yellow, and red for each category in the beginning, middle, and end of the school year (BOY, MOY, and EOY). To print the report, select Print.
Diagnostics Reports
To view Diagnostics Reports, in the Screener Reports box, select the drop-down list and choose whether to view group or student reports.
Diagnostic Group Reports
If you chose group reports, first, choose a classroom from the drop-down list. (This isn't necessary if you only have one class.) Administrators also select a teacher; District Administrators also have a school selection.
Next, choose a skill from the drop-down list.
Then, choose the academic year (school year).
You'll see the Diagnostic Group Matrix for that skill. Based on each student's diagnostics assessments, you'll see their score on each target skill for that category. Select Print above the report to print it.
Diagnostic Student Reports
If you chose student reports, follow these steps:
- First, choose a classroom from the drop-down list. (This isn't necessary if you only have one class.) Administrators also select a teacher; District Administrators also have a school selection.
- Choose the student's name from the first drop-down list.
- Select the academic year (school year) from the second drop-down list.
- Next, choose View Result in the row for the one of the student's Diagnostics assessments. The list includes the skill and test date for each assessment.
- First, you'll see the Diagnostic Student Tile Skill Analysis. You'll see which errors the student made in red; words in orange are those the student sounded out first, then red correctly. You can select Print to print the report or View Notes to see any notes you added during the assessment. When you're done, select Next to see the next report.
- Next, you'll see the Student Report Instructional Recommendation, with student scores for each target skill. 5/5 is green; 3 or 4 correct is yellow; 0, 1, or 2 correct is red. The report includes instructional focus recommendations for targeted skills and the beginning, middle, and end of words. To print the report, select Print above it. When you're done, select Next to see the next report.
If your school or district has Lalilo, you may also see recommendations for Lalilo lessons, which you can assign directly from Star Phonics. For more information, see Assigning Lalilo Lessons Through Star Phonics. - Finally, you will see the Diagnostic Student Bar Graph, which shows the number of whole words read correctly for each target skill. To print the report, select Print above it. When you've finished viewing the report, select Done.