When you use the Mixed or Print formats for Star CBM Lectura assessments, you can reprint forms for the assessment or remove it before you administer it.
Note: Each student is assigned a different form, so if you reprint, be sure to reprint the form(s) for each student and assignment as needed.
Reprinting Forms for Assessments
In the Star Record Book, with the CBM Spanish Assessments tab selected, select Enter Scores for a student's Print assessment or In Progress for a Mixed assessment that you have not yet administered. In the popup window, select Reprint under the Enter Scores or Start button. Then, follow the prompts in your browser to open the PDF file for printing.
Removing (Canceling) Assessments
In the Star Record Book, with the CBM Spanish Assessments tab selected, select Enter Scores for a student's Print assessment or In Progress for a Mixed assessment that you have not yet administered. In the popup window, select Remove under the Enter Scores or Start button.
In the popup message, if you want to continue and remove the assessment without saving any record of it, select Remove Assessment. (If you decide not to remove it, select Keep Assessment instead.)