Using Star Custom, teachers can assign pre-made assessments (or create their own) that are aligned to the skills and standards recommended by existing Star products (Star Early Literacy, Star Math, and Star Reading). Star Custom has a bank of pre-made and third-party multiple-choice assessments that are aligned to skills. Teachers can also create their own assessments, using items from the Star Custom bank or creating their own items.
Teachers select a group of students to administer Star Custom assessments to, the skills they want the assessments to cover, and then either select pre-made assessments or create their own. The assessments will appear in the Assignments list on the students' Home page when they log in.
Teachers can also access instructional resources (Renaissance and third-party) aligned to skills. These resources can be used to plan instruction or they can be assigned to students to work on in order to help develop skills.
After an assessment has been selected or created, it can be scheduled. A scheduled assessment will be listed in the student's Assignments list on the Renaissance Home page; the student can take the assessment any time it is available.
The teacher can check the progress of an assessment on the Assessment Progress page. The teacher can take a number of pathways to "drill down" through the data for specific information (such as assessment status and outcomes, students' domain mastery, or performance across skills) or to access particular program functions (such as hand-scoring assignments).