The Star Early Literacy test is not "timed." Test scores are not based on the number of questions a student answers within a certain amount of time or on how quickly a student answers each question.
However, the software uses an automatic timing function to help keep students from spending too much time on a question. You can use the Extended Question Time Limit preference to give students more time to answer the questions.
Time Limits for Hands-On Exercise Questions
- The hands-on exercise questions have a 35-second time limit. Note: Changes to the Extended Question Time Limit preference do not affect hands-on exercise questions.
- If the student does not choose the answer within 10 seconds after the instructions end, the program repeats the question.
- If the student still has not chosen an answer 25 seconds after the question first appeared, the program asks the student to choose an answer and a clock flashes on the screen.
- If time runs out before the student chooses an answer, the program tells the student to ask the teacher for help.
- If the student is using the keyboard during the hands-on exercise and forgets to press the Enter key after selecting an answer, the student will be prompted (after 10 seconds) to press the Enter key.
Time Limits for Practice Questions
- The practice questions have a 60-second time limit (or 180 seconds if extended question time limits are used).
- If the student does not choose an answer within 10 seconds after the instructions end, the program repeats the question.
- If the student still has not chosen an answer 45 seconds after the question first appeared, the program asks the student to choose an answer and a clock flashes on the screen.
- If time runs out before the student chooses an answer, the program tells the student to ask the teacher for help.
Time Limits for Actual Test Questions
- The actual test questions have a 150-second time limit (or 450 seconds if extended question time limits are set used).
- If the student does not choose an answer within 10 seconds after the instructions end, the program repeats the question.
- If the student still has not chosen an answer 75 seconds after the question first appeared, the program asks the student to choose an answer and a clock flashes on the screen.
- If time runs out before the student chooses an answer, the program goes on to the next question, and the unanswered question is treated as an incorrect answer.
- Students cannot change an answer or return to unanswered questions.
Related video: AssessMinutes—Timing Out & Student Guessing